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a bird in the hand is worth two in the bushClick to Search a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
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a bit of aClick to Search a bit of a
a bit of a foolClick to Search a bit of a fool
a bit of skirtClick to Search a bit of skirt
a bit offClick to Search a bit off
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a bit weak upstairsClick to Search a bit weak upstairs
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a blot on one`s escutcheonClick to Search a blot on one`s escutcheon
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a bolt from the blueClick to Search a bolt from the blue
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a bornClick to Search a born
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a cappellaClick to Search a cappella
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a chip off the old blockClick to Search a chip off the old block
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a cluster of beesClick to Search a cluster of bees
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a draught of beerClick to Search a draught of beer
a drink of waterClick to Search a drink of water
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a drop in a bucketClick to Search a drop in a bucket
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a far cry fromClick to Search a far cry from
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a fat lot you careClick to Search a fat lot you care
a feast for the eyesClick to Search a feast for the eyes
a feast for the godsClick to Search a feast for the gods
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a feeling of insecurityClick to Search a feeling of insecurity
a fewClick to Search a few
a few ofClick to Search a few of
a few steps from the beachClick to Search a few steps from the beach
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a figment of the imaginationClick to Search a figment of the imagination
a fine distinctionClick to Search a fine distinction
a fine kettle of fishClick to Search a fine kettle of fish
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Turkish German Linguatic Turkish German Dictionary
English German Linguatic English German Dictionary
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