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English Turkish

Linguatic English Turkish Dictionary



Click to Search bicker
tartışmak, atışmak, çekişmek, şırıldamak, pırıldamak, titreşmek


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tartışma, atışma, çekişme, münakaşa, didişme

English English

Linguatic English English Dictionary



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quarrel, squabble, dispute, argue

bicker over an issue

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argue about an affair


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arguer, one who bickers


Click to Search bickering
quarreling, squabbling, disputing, arguing

English English

WordNet 3.0 Dictionary



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a quarrel about petty points
Syn: bickering, spat, tiff, squabble, pettifoggery, fuss
Derivationally related forms: fussy (for: fuss), pettifog (for: pettifoggery), squabble (for: squabble), spat (for: spat)
Hypernyms: quarrel, wrangle, row, words, run-in, dustup
argue over petty things (Freq. 1)
- example : Let's not quibble over pennies
Syn: quibble, niggle, pettifog, squabble, brabble
Derivationally related forms: squabble (for: squabble), pettifogger (for: pettifog), pettifoggery (for: pettifog), niggler (for: niggle), quibbler (for: quibble)
Hypernyms: argue, contend, debate, fence
Verb Frames:
- example : Somebody ----s
- example : Somebody ----s PP
- example : Sam and Sue bicker
- example : Sam wants to bicker with Sue


Click to Search bickering
a quarrel about petty points (Freq. 1)
Syn: bicker, spat, tiff, squabble, pettifoggery, fuss
Derivationally related forms: fussy (for: fuss), pettifog (for: pettifoggery), squabble (for: squabble), spat (for: spat), bicker (for: bicker)
Hypernyms: quarrel, wrangle, row, words, run-in, dustup

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