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İngilizce Türkçe

Linguatic İngilizce Türkçe Sözlük


age group

age group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
yaş grubu

blood group

blood group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
kan grubu

ethnic group

ethnic group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
etnik grup

fringe group

fringe group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
uç fikirleri olan azınlık


group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
gruplandırmak, sınıflandırmak, gruplaşmak, toplanmak


group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
grup, küme, öbek, takım, topluluk, heyet, kafile, manga, filo (İng.), kütle

group captain

group captain Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
hava kuvvetleri albayı (İng.)

group insurance

group insurance Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
grup sigortası

group therapy

group therapy Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
grup terapi

group together

group together Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
kümelemek, kümelenmek


grouped Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
toplu halde


grouper Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
grup üyesi, balık (deniz)


groupie Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
grubun peşine takılan kız


grouping Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
toplama, toplanma

in group

in group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
örgüt içinde gruplaşan topluluk, hizip

mixed group

mixed group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
karma grup

pop group

pop group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
pop müzik grubu

pressure group

pressure group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
baskı grubu, lobi

splinter group

splinter group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
hizip, klik

study group

study group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
araştırma grubu, inceleme grubu

target group

target group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
hedef kitle

İngilizce İngilizce

Linguatic İngilizce İngilizce Sözlük


alkyl group

alkyl group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
any of a series of univalent groups that are derived from aliphatic hydrocarbons, alkyl radical (Chemistry)

American International Group

American International Group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
American corporation headquartered in New York City, provider of insurance and financial services in the United States and worldwide, AIG

artillery group

artillery group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
group of soldiers which operates large mounted guns

at risk group

at risk group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
group that is in danger of getting-

azido group

azido group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
(Chemistry) organic component that contains the N3 group (derived from hydrozoic acid)

benzal group

benzal group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
organic component that contains the benzene and CH group (Chemistry)

blood group

blood group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
type of blood (type "O", type "B+", etc.)

control group

control group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
experimental group used to verify the results of an experiment via comparison to the subject group

discussion group

discussion group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
forum devoted to discussion on a particular subject (also on the Internet)

Duffy blood group system

Duffy blood group system Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
blood group that consists chiefly of the antigens fy(a) and fy(b) determined by allelic genes (named after Richard Duffy who was a hemophiliac patient)

encounter group

encounter group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
unstructured therapeutic group working to develop and explore emotional expression and communication in interpersonal relationships often by means of unrestrained emotional confrontation of the participants

entertainment group

entertainment group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
group which puts on productions for the public`s entertainment

ethnic group

ethnic group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
group of people united by common ethnic characteristics (such as language, culture, religion, etc.)

focus group

focus group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
group that meets in order to aid a manufacturer or seller to check a product


group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
divide into groups; assemble, gather; classify, sort


group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
bunch; ensemble, band; (Computers) window which contains several application icons (in a Windows environment)

group banking

group banking Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
group of banks participating in a cooperative banking effort

group captain

group captain Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
officer in the Royal Air Force

group dynamics

group dynamics Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
interacting forces within a small group (especially the sociological or psychological study of these dynamics)

group flight

group flight Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
number of aircraft flying in a group

group icon

group icon Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
symbol of a minimized group in a Windows environment

group insurance

group insurance Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
low-cost insurance which covers a group of people (rather than individuals)

group leader

group leader Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
person that has been specially trained to direct group training sessions

group leading

group leading Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
supervising group dynamics, instructing group workshops, supervising seminars

group of cheerleaders

group of cheerleaders Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
team of people who direct a crowd in organized cheering (especially at sporting events)

Group of Eight

Group of Eight Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
G8, group of the eight most industrialized countries in the world (composed of Canada, United States, France, Italy, Germany, Japan, Russia and the United Kingdom) which send delegates to meet and discuss economic issues

group of friends

group of friends Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
number of people who are friends with each other, gang of buddies, gathering of friends

group of settlers

group of settlers Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
group of colonists, group of people who settle the land of a frontier region

group of three

group of three Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
group made up of three (people, etc.)

group pressure

group pressure Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
influence of a group on individuals, social pressure

group therapy

group therapy Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
group treatment, group psychotherapy, form of treatment for a group of patients with similar emotional problems

group window

group window Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
windows containing icons for several applications in a Windows environment

grouped together

grouped together Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
joined together, placed together in a group


grouper Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
any of a number of sea basses (found in tropical and subtropical waters)


groupie Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
passionate female fan of a rock group or performer (Slang)


grouping Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
assembly, gathering, collecting


groupthink Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
tendency toward conformity; belief that some decisions should be made by a group (rather than an individual); lack of individuality and creativity


Groupware Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
type of software that allows group work and cooperation between users links to a local area network (such as setting appointments, sharing phone services, electronic mail, databases, etc.)

IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol)

IGMP (Internet Group Management Protocol) Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
protocol that allows Internet servers to transmit a multicast of messages to a group of computers

Internet Group Management Protocol

Internet Group Management Protocol Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
IGMP, protocol that allows Internet servers to transmit a multicast of messages to a group of computers

isocyano group

isocyano group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
functional organic component that contains the NCO group (Chemistry)

Joint Photographic Experts Group

Joint Photographic Experts Group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
cooperative group of photography experts, group of experts on photography and graphics which developed a standard for photo compression, JPEG

JPEG compression (Joint Photographic Experts Group

JPEG compression (Joint Photographic Experts Group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
standard for very efficient compression of graphic pictures while losing a small amount of detail (Computers)

JS Group Corporation

JS Group Corporation Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
Japanese company headquartered in Tokyo (Japan), supplier of housing and building materials in Japan

leftist group

leftist group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
liberal organization

military performing group

military performing group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
musical ensemble made up of military personnel, military band

Object Management Group

Object Management Group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
(Internet) consortium of software vendors that promotes the use of Object-Oriented software in applications

play group

play group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
(British) informal but regular gathering of preschool children under supervision

pressure group

pressure group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
group which works for a specific cause, lobbyists

Public Service Enterprise Group

Public Service Enterprise Group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
American corporation headquartered in New Jersey, producer and provider of energy and public utilities within New Jersey, PSEG

Rad group

Rad group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
group of independent high-tech companies working in the fields of computer communications and telecommunications

reference group

reference group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
social group by which an individual measures himself

rock group

rock group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
musical ensemble which creates rock music

social group

social group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
group of people which go out together and meet at social functions

Special Interest Group

Special Interest Group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
subdivision of a computer user`s group that meets to discuss a very specific issue, SIG

Special Operations Group

Special Operations Group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
elite military force responsible for carrying out covert and/or extremely dangerous missions within enemy territory (missions can be military, political, informational, or economic), SOG

splinter group

splinter group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
clique within a larger group; faction broken away from its parent group or organization

study group

study group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
bunch of people that get together to study

support group

support group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
group of people having similar problems who meet so as to give and to receive mutual support

terrorist group

terrorist group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
group which performs violent acts in order to accomplish a goal

troops entertainment group

troops entertainment group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
entertainment group composed of soldiers; group of performers and entertainers

user group

user group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
group of computer users who meet to discuss common interests and share ideas (Computers)

Vodafone group

Vodafone group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
British consortium (leading manufacturer of portable phones)

İngilizce Almanca

Linguatic İngilizce Almanca Sözlük


alkyl group

alkyl group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
Alkylgruppe, wird einem Alkan ein Wasserstoffatom entzogen entsteht eine Alkylgruppe (Chemie)

American International Group

American International Group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
American International Group, AIG, amerikanische weltweite Versicherungsfirma mit Hauptsitz in New York

artillery group

artillery group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın

at risk group

at risk group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın

benzal group

benzal group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
Benzal, organische Komponente die Benzol und die CH-Gruppe beinhaltet (Chemie)

blood group

blood group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın

control group

control group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın

discussion group

discussion group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
Diskussionsgruppe; Nachrichtengruppe, Forum dazu gewidmet ein bestimmtes Thema zu diskutieren (auch im Internet)

Duffy blood group system

Duffy blood group system Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
n. Blutgruppe aus den Antigenen fy(a) und fy(b) durch die allele Gene bestimmt bestehen (nach Richard Duffy einem Bluter Patienten benannt)

encounter group

encounter group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın

entertainment group

entertainment group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın

ethnic group

ethnic group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
Ethnische Gruppe, Menschengruppe mit gemeinsamen ethnischen Charakteristika (wie z.B. Sprache, Kultur, Religion usw.)

focus group

focus group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın

Formula Group

Formula Group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
n. Formula Group, Israels führende IT-Gruppe, Anbieter von Informationstechnologien und Dienstleistungen für Kunden innerhalb Israels und fünfzig weitere Länder


group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
v. gruppieren; in Gruppen einteilen; einweisen; (ein) sammeln
n. Gruppe, Konzern, Ensemble; (Comput) ein Fenster in "Windows" das mehrere Applikationssymbole beinhaltet

group banking

group banking Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
gemeinschaftliche Bankaktivitäten

group captain

group captain Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
Staffelkapitän (Position in der Luftwaffe)

group dynamics

group dynamics Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın

group flight

group flight Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın

group icon

group icon Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
Gruppen-Ikon, ein Ikon einer Gruppe im verkleinerten Zustand in "Windows"

group insurance

group insurance Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın

group leader

group leader Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
Gruppenleiter (Person mit besonderer Ausbildung zur Leitung von Gruppen)

group leading

group leading Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın

group of cheerleaders

group of cheerleaders Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
Gruppe von Cheerleaders (im Sport zum anfeuern)

Group of Eight

Group of Eight Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
n. G8, Gruppe der 8 Industrienationen der Welt (Kanada, USA, Frankreich, Italien, Deutschland, Japan, Russland, und Groß Britannien) die jeweils Deligierte zu einem von wirtschaftlichen Themen handelndes Treffen schicken

group of friends

group of friends Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
Gruppe von Freunden

group of settlers

group of settlers Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
Gruppe von Siedlern

group of three

group of three Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
eine Dreiergruppe, ein Trio

group pressure

group pressure Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın

group therapy

group therapy Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın

group window

group window Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
Gruppenfenster, ein Fenster das eine Gruppe von Appliktions-Ikone in "Windows" beinhaltet

grouped together

grouped together Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
zusammen gruppiert


grouper Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
n. Zackenbarsch (eßbarer Fisch)


groupie Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
n. Groupie (umgspr., begeisterte Fan eines Rocksängers od. -gruppe)


groupthink Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
n. Gruppendenken; Glaube dass manche Entscheidungen in der Gruppe getroffen werden sollten; Mangel an Individualität oder Kreativität


Groupware Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
n. Groupware, Typ von Software die die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Benutzern eines lokalen Netzwerkes ermöglicht ( z.B. um Termine zu planen, Telefonleitungen zu teilen, Datenbanken, E-mail)

Harcourt International Education Group

Harcourt International Education Group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
n. Harcourt International Education Group, Verband der Reed Elsevier Gruppe die weltführend in professionellem Klassenraumzubehör und Dienste für Vorkindergartenalter durch Erwachsenenerziehung

Internet Group Management Protocol

Internet Group Management Protocol Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
Protokoll das es ermöglicht Internetanbietern ermöglicht eine Vielfachsendung an eine Gruppe von Computern zu schicken

isocyano group

isocyano group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
Isocyano-Gruppe, funktionales organisches Komponent das eine NCO-Gruppe beinhaltet

Joint Photographic Experts Group

Joint Photographic Experts Group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
gemeinsame Gruppe von Photographieexperten die ein Standard zur Bildkompression entwickelt hat

JS Group Corporation

JS Group Corporation Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
n. JS Group Corporation, japanisches Unternehmen mit Hauptsitz in Tokyo (Japan), Anbieter von Baumaterial in Japan

leftist group

leftist group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
linkspolitische Gruppe

military performing group

military performing group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
Unterhaltungstruppe der Armee

Object Management Group

Object Management Group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
(Internet) Gruppe von Softwareanbietern die den Gebrauch von objektorientierter Software in Anwenderprogrammen fördern

play group

play group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
Spielgruppe, inormelles jedoch reguläres Zusammenkommen von Kindergartenkinder unter Aufsicht

pressure group

pressure group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
Interessengruppe, Pressuregroup

Public Service Enterprise Group

Public Service Enterprise Group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
Public Service Enterprise Group, amerikanische Firma mit Hauptsitz in New Jersey die Energie herstellt und anbietet

Rad group

Rad group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
Gruppe von Computerunternehmen der RAD Gruppe (arbeitet im Bereich der Computerkommunikation und Telekommunikation)

Reed Elsevier Group plc

Reed Elsevier Group plc Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
n. Reed Elsevier Group plc, weltführender Herausgeber und Nachrichten Provider in vier Hauptmärkte arbeitend (Wissenschaft und Medizin, Recht, Erziehung, B2B) im Besitz der zwei Mutterfirmen Reed Elsevier PLC und Reed Elsevier NV

reference group

reference group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
Referenzgruppe (Beispiel einer Gruppe für Statistik, Untersuchungen)

rock group

rock group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
Rockgruppe (musikalische Zusammensetzung die Rockmusik spielt)

social group

social group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
soziale Gruppe (Menschengruppe die sich zu gemeinsamen Unternehmungen trifft)

Special Interest Group

Special Interest Group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
Spezielle Interessengruppe, Untergruppe einer Benutzergruppe die ein spezifisches Thema diskutiert, abgekürzt SIG

Special Operations Group

Special Operations Group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
Militärische Spezialeinheit, Eliteeinheit des Militärs zur Durchführung gefährlicher Aktionen in feindlichem Gebiet

study group

study group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
Lerngruppe, Lehrgruppe

support group

support group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
Hilfsgruppen (zur gegenseitiger Unterstützung)

terrorist group

terrorist group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın

troops entertainment group

troops entertainment group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
Unterhaltungsgruppe des Militärs (aus Soldaten zusammengesetzte Unterhaltungsgruppe)

user group

user group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
Usergruppe, Gruppe von Computerusern die gemeinsame Interessen und Ideen diskutiert (Computer)

Vodafone group

Vodafone group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
Vodane group, britisches Unternehmen (Hersteller von mobilen Telefonen)

İngilizce İngilizce

WordNet 3.0 Sözlük


Abelian group

Abelian group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a group that satisfies the commutative law
Syn: commutative group
Hypernyms: group, mathematical group

ABO blood group system

ABO blood group system Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a classification system for the antigens of human blood; used in blood transfusion therapy; four groups are A and B and AB and O
Syn: ABO system, ABO group
Hypernyms: classification system

ABO group

ABO group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a classification system for the antigens of human blood; used in blood transfusion therapy; four groups are A and B and AB and O
Syn: ABO blood group system, ABO system
Hypernyms: classification system

acetyl group

acetyl group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the organic group of acetic acid (CH3CO-)
Syn: acetyl, acetyl radical, ethanoyl group, ethanoyl radical
Derivationally related forms: acetylic (for: acetyl), acetylate (for: acetyl), acetylize (for: acetyl)
Hypernyms: acyl, acyl group

acyl group

acyl group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
any group or radical of the form RCO- where R is an organic group
- example : an example of the acyl group is the acetyl group
Syn: acyl
Hypernyms: group, radical, chemical group
Hyponyms: acetyl, acetyl group, acetyl radical, ethanoyl group, ethanoyl radical, foryml

Adapid group

Adapid group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
extinct small mostly diurnal lower primates that fed on leaves and fruit; abundant in North America and Europe 30 to 50 million years ago; their descendents probably include the lemurs; some authorities consider them ancestral to anthropoids but others consider them only cousins
Syn: Adapid
Hypernyms: taxonomic group, taxonomic category, taxon
Member Holonyms: Primates, order Primates

age group

age group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a group of people having approximately the same age (Freq. 1)
Syn: age bracket, cohort
Hypernyms: people
Hyponyms: aged, elderly, young, youth

air group

air group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a unit of the United States Air Force larger than a squadron and smaller than a wing
Hypernyms: air unit

alcohol group

alcohol group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the chemical group -OH
Syn: alcohol radical
Hypernyms: group, radical, chemical group

aldehyde group

aldehyde group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the chemical group -CHO
Syn: aldehyde radical
Hypernyms: group, radical, chemical group

alkyl group

alkyl group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
any of a series of univalent groups of the general formula CnH2n+1 derived from aliphatic hydrocarbons
Syn: alkyl, alkyl radical
Derivationally related forms: alkylic (for: alkyl)
Hypernyms: group, radical, chemical group
Hyponyms: ethyl, ethyl group, ethyl radical, methyl, methyl group, methyl radical

allyl group

allyl group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the univalent unsaturated organic radical C3H5; derived from propylene
Syn: allyl, allyl radical
Derivationally related forms: allylic (for: allyl)
Hypernyms: group, radical, chemical group

amino group

amino group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the radical -NH2
Syn: amino
Derivationally related forms: amino (for: amino)
Hypernyms: group, radical, chemical group
Hyponyms: glucosamine

amphibole group

amphibole group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a group of minerals with similar crystal structures containing a silicate chain and combinations of chiefly sodium and calcium and magnesium and iron and aluminum
Hypernyms: mineral
Member Meronyms:
amphibole, nephrite, actinolite, anthophyllite, asbestos, tremolite, hornblende

animal group

animal group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a group of animals
Hypernyms: biological group
team, brood, flock, fold, herd, pack, pod, pride, clowder, school, shoal, caste, colony, warren, breed, strain, stock, drove, litter
Member Holonyms: fauna, zoology

Armed Islamic Group

Armed Islamic Group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a terrorist organization of Islamic extremists whose violent activities began in 1992; aims to overthrow the secular Algerian regime and replace it with an Islamic state
- example : the GIA has embarked on a terrorist campaign of civilian massacres
Syn: GIA
Topics: terrorism, act of terrorism, terrorist act
Regions: Algeria, Algerie, Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria
Instance Hypernyms: terrorist organization, terrorist group, foreign terrorist organization, FTO

arsenic group

arsenic group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the univalent group derived from arsine
Syn: cacodyl, cacodyl group, cacodyl radical
Derivationally related forms: cacodylic (for: cacodyl)
Hypernyms: group, radical, chemical group

as a group

as a group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
all together (Freq. 1)
- example : the students turned out en masse
Syn: en masse, en bloc

azido group

azido group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the univalent group N3- derived from hydrazoic acid
Syn: azido radical
Hypernyms: group, radical, chemical group

azo group

azo group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the bivalent group -N=N- united to two hydrocarbon groups
Syn: azo radical
Hypernyms: group, radical, chemical group

battle group

battle group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
an army unit usually consisting of five companies
Hypernyms: army unit
Member Holonyms: division
Member Meronyms: company

benzoyl group

benzoyl group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the univalent radical derived from benzoic acid
Syn: benzoyl radical
Hypernyms: group, radical, chemical group

benzyl group

benzyl group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the univalent radical derived from toluene
Syn: benzyl, benzyl radical
Derivationally related forms: benzylic (for: benzyl)
Hypernyms: group, radical, chemical group

biological group

biological group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a group of plants or animals
Hypernyms: group, grouping
genotype, clade, taxonomic group, taxonomic category, taxon, animal group, colony, division, generation, descendants, posterity

blood group

blood group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
human blood cells (usually just the red blood cells) that have the same antigens
Syn: blood type
Hypernyms: blood
A, type A, group A, B, type B, group B, AB, type AB, group AB, O, type O, group O, Rh-positive blood type, Rh positive, Rh-negative blood type, Rh-negative blood, Rh negative

Bloomsbury Group

Bloomsbury Group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
an inner circle of writers and artists and philosophers who lived in or around Bloomsbury early in the 20th century and were noted for their unconventional lifestyles
Hypernyms: clique, coterie, ingroup, inner circle, pack, camp
Member Meronyms:
Bell, Vanessa Bell, Vanessa Stephen, Fry, Roger Fry, Roger Eliot Fry, Grant, Duncan Grant, Duncan James Corrow Grant, Keynes, John Maynard Keynes, Strachey, Lytton Strachey, Giles Lytton Strachey, Woolf, Virginia Woolf, Adeline Virginia Stephen Woolf

cacodyl group

cacodyl group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the univalent group derived from arsine
Syn: cacodyl, cacodyl radical, arsenic group
Derivationally related forms: cacodylic (for: cacodyl)
Hypernyms: group, radical, chemical group

carbonyl group

carbonyl group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the bivalent radical CO
Hypernyms: group, radical, chemical group
Substance Holonyms: carbonyl

carboxyl group

carboxyl group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the univalent radical -COOH; present in and characteristic of organic acids
Syn: carboxyl
Derivationally related forms: carboxyl (for: carboxyl), carboxylic (for: carboxyl)
Hypernyms: group, radical, chemical group

chemical group

chemical group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
(chemistry) two or more atoms bound together as a single unit and forming part of a molecule
Syn: group, radical
Topics: chemistry, chemical science
Hypernyms: unit, building block
acyl, acyl group, alcohol group, alcohol radical, aldehyde group, aldehyde radical, alkyl, alkyl group, alkyl radical, allyl, allyl group, allyl radical, amino, amino group, amyl, azido group, azido radical, azo group, azo radical, benzyl, benzyl group, benzyl radical, benzoyl group, benzoyl radical, cacodyl, cacodyl group, cacodyl radical, arsenic group, carbonyl group, carboxyl, carboxyl group, chromophore, cyano group, cyano radical, cyanide group, cyanide radical, glyceryl, hydrazo group, hydrazo radical, hydroxyl, hydroxyl group, hydroxyl radical, ketone group, methylene group, methylene radical, methylene, propyl, propyl group, propyl radical, butyl, nitro group, nitrite, uranyl, uranyl group, uranyl radical, vinyl, vinyl group, vinyl radical
Part Holonyms: molecule

commutative group

commutative group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a group that satisfies the commutative law
Syn: Abelian group
Hypernyms: group, mathematical group

core group

core group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a small group of indispensable persons or things
- example : five periodicals make up the core of their publishing program
Syn: core, nucleus
Hypernyms: set
Hyponyms: cadre

cyanide group

cyanide group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the monovalent group -CN in a chemical compound
Syn: cyano group, cyano radical, cyanide radical
Hypernyms: group, radical, chemical group

cyano group

cyano group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the monovalent group -CN in a chemical compound
Syn: cyano radical, cyanide group, cyanide radical
Hypernyms: group, radical, chemical group

elite group

elite group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a group or class of persons enjoying superior intellectual or social or economic status
Syn: elite
Derivationally related forms: elite (for: elite)
Hypernyms: upper class, upper crust
chosen, elect, cream, pick, intelligentsia, clerisy, society, high society, beau monde, smart set, bon ton, few, nobility, aristocracy
Member Meronyms: technocrat

encounter group

encounter group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a meeting of people to develop mutual understanding by freely expressing emotions
Hypernyms: psychotherapy group

ethanoyl group

ethanoyl group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the organic group of acetic acid (CH3CO-)
Syn: acetyl, acetyl group, acetyl radical, ethanoyl radical
Derivationally related forms: acetylic (for: acetyl), acetylate (for: acetyl), acetylize (for: acetyl)
Hypernyms: acyl, acyl group

ethnic group

ethnic group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
people of the same race or nationality who share a distinctive culture
Syn: ethnos
Hypernyms: group, grouping
ethnic minority, Azeri, Bengali, Flemish, Hebrews, Israelites, Mbundu, Ovimbundu, Tajik, Tadzhik, Walloons, Aborigine, Abo, Aboriginal, native Australian, Australian Aborigine, Kurd, Igbo, Nubian

ethyl group

ethyl group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the univalent hydrocarbon radical C2H5 derived from ethane by the removal of one hydrogen atom
Syn: ethyl, ethyl radical
Hypernyms: alkyl, alkyl group, alkyl radical

First of October Antifascist Resistance Group

First of October Antifascist Resistance Group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
an armed wing of the (illegal) Communist Party of Spain; seeks to overthrow the Spanish government and replace it with a Marxist-Leninist regime
- example : GRAPO is vehemently opposed to the United States
Topics: terrorism, act of terrorism, terrorist act
Regions: Spain, Kingdom of Spain, Espana
Instance Hypernyms: terrorist organization, terrorist group, foreign terrorist organization, FTO


group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
1. any number of entities (members) considered as a unit (Freq. 1345)
Syn: grouping
Hypernyms: abstraction, abstract entity
world, human race, humanity, humankind, human beings, humans, mankind, man, arrangement, straggle, kingdom, biological group, community, biotic community, people, social group, collection, aggregation, accumulation, assemblage, edition, electron shell, ethnic group, ethnos, race, association, swarm, cloud, subgroup, sainthood, citizenry, population, multitude, masses, mass, hoi polloi, the great unwashed, varna, circuit, system, scheme, series, actinoid, actinide, actinon, rare earth, rare-earth element, lanthanoid, lanthanide, lanthanon, halogen
Instance Hyponyms: Great Lakes
2. (chemistry) two or more atoms bound together as a single unit and forming part of a molecule (Freq. 1)
Syn: radical, chemical group
Topics: chemistry, chemical science
Hypernyms: unit, building block
acyl, acyl group, alcohol group, alcohol radical, aldehyde group, aldehyde radical, alkyl, alkyl group, alkyl radical, allyl, allyl group, allyl radical, amino, amino group, amyl, azido group, azido radical, azo group, azo radical, benzyl, benzyl group, benzyl radical, benzoyl group, benzoyl radical, cacodyl, cacodyl group, cacodyl radical, arsenic group, carbonyl group, carboxyl, carboxyl group, chromophore, cyano group, cyano radical, cyanide group, cyanide radical, glyceryl, hydrazo group, hydrazo radical, hydroxyl, hydroxyl group, hydroxyl radical, ketone group, methylene group, methylene radical, methylene, propyl, propyl group, propyl radical, butyl, nitro group, nitrite, uranyl, uranyl group, uranyl radical, vinyl, vinyl group, vinyl radical
Part Holonyms: molecule
3. a set that is closed, associative, has an identity element and every element has an inverse
Syn: mathematical group
Hypernyms: set
Hyponyms: subgroup, Abelian group, commutative group
1. arrange into a group or groups (Freq. 4)
- example : Can you group these shapes together?
Derivationally related forms: grouping
Hypernyms: classify, class, sort, assort, sort out, separate
Hyponyms: regroup, bracket, collocate, lump, chunk, batch
Verb Frames:
- example : Somebody ----s something
- example : Somebody ----s somebody
2. form a group or group together (Freq. 1)
Syn: aggroup
Derivationally related forms: grouping
Hypernyms: meet, gather, assemble, forgather, foregather
team, team up, embed, gang, gang up, pool, brigade
Verb Frames:
- example : Somebody ----s something
- example : The crowds group in the streets

group A

group A Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the blood group whose red cells carry the A antigen
Syn: A, type A
Hypernyms: blood group, blood type

group AB

group AB Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the blood group whose red cells carry both the A and B antigens
Syn: AB, type AB
Hypernyms: blood group, blood type

group action

group action Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
action taken by a group of people (Freq. 1)
Hypernyms: act, deed, human action, human activity, event
vote, procession, military action, action, conflict, struggle, battle, revolution, social activity, communalism, confederation, alliance, decolonization, decolonisation, disbandment, disestablishment, transaction, dealing, dealings, stampede, social control, coup d'etat, coup, putsch, takeover, internationalization, internationalisation, nationalization, nationalisation, exchange, interchange, rally, submission, compliance, competition, contention, rivalry, resistance, nonresistance, due process, due process of law, legalization, legalisation, legitimation, separation, integration, integrating, desegregation, cooperation, brainstorming, assembly, assemblage, gathering, attendance, attending, nonattendance, return, paying back, getting even, democratization, democratisation, engagement, participation, involvement, involution, non-engagement, nonparticipation, non-involvement, ethnic cleansing, socialization, socialisation
Instance Hyponyms: Restoration

group Amentiferae

group Amentiferae Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
used in some classification systems for plants that bear catkins
Syn: Amentiferae
Hypernyms: taxonomic group, taxonomic category, taxon
Member Holonyms: Hamamelidae, subclass Hamamelidae

group B

group B Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the blood group whose red cells carry the B antigen
Syn: B, type B
Hypernyms: blood group, blood type

group captain

group captain Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a commissioned officer (especially one in the Royal Air Force) equivalent in rank to a colonel in the army
Hypernyms: captain, senior pilot

group Centrospermae

group Centrospermae Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
used in former classification systems; approximately synonymous with order Caryophyllales
Syn: Centrospermae
Hypernyms: taxonomic group, taxonomic category, taxon

group discussion

group discussion Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a discussion among participants who have an agreed (serious) topic
Syn: conference
Derivationally related forms: confer (for: conference)
Hypernyms: discussion, give-and-take, word
bull session, colloquy, consultation, audience, interview, huddle, powwow, press conference, news conference, pretrial, pretrial conference, round table, roundtable, round-table conference, session, teach-in, teleconference, teleconferencing

group dynamics

group dynamics Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the branch of social psychology that studies the psychodynamics of interaction in social groups
Hypernyms: psychodynamics

group insurance

group insurance Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
insurance that is purchased by a group (such as the employees of a company) usually at a reduced rate to individual members of the group
Hypernyms: insurance

group meeting

group meeting Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a formally arranged gathering
- example : next year the meeting will be in Chicago
- example : the meeting elected a chairperson
Syn: meeting
Derivationally related forms: meet (for: meeting)
Hypernyms: gathering, assemblage
board meeting, committee meeting, camp meeting, caucus, conclave, conference, congress, convention, council, forum, plenum, psychotherapy group, stockholders meeting, summit, summit meeting, town meeting

group O

group O Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the blood group whose red cells carry neither the A nor B antigens
- example : people with type O blood are universal donors
Syn: O, type O
Hypernyms: blood group, blood type

group participation

group participation Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
participation by all members of a group (Freq. 1)
Hypernyms: engagement, participation, involvement, involution

group practice

group practice Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
(medicine) the practice of medicine by a group of physicians who share their premises and other resources
Topics: medicine, practice of medicine
Hypernyms: medical practice

group psychotherapy

group psychotherapy Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
psychotherapy in which a small group of individuals meet with a therapist; interactions among the members are considered to be therapeutic
Syn: group therapy
Hypernyms: psychotherapy
Hyponyms: family therapy

group Pteridospermae

group Pteridospermae Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
used in some classification systems: a group of extinct fossil gymnosperms coextensive with the order Cycadofilicales
Syn: Pteridospermae, Pteridospermaphyta, group Pteridospermaphyta
Hypernyms: taxonomic group, taxonomic category, taxon

group Pteridospermaphyta

group Pteridospermaphyta Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
used in some classification systems: a group of extinct fossil gymnosperms coextensive with the order Cycadofilicales
Syn: Pteridospermae, group Pteridospermae, Pteridospermaphyta
Hypernyms: taxonomic group, taxonomic category, taxon

group theory

group theory Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the branch of mathematics dealing with groups
Topics: mathematics, math, maths
Hypernyms: pure mathematics
Hyponyms: Galois theory

group therapy

group therapy Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
psychotherapy in which a small group of individuals meet with a therapist; interactions among the members are considered to be therapeutic
Syn: group psychotherapy
Hypernyms: psychotherapy
Hyponyms: family therapy


grouped Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
arranged into groups
Syn: sorted
Similar to: classified


grouper Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
1. flesh of a saltwater fish similar to sea bass
Hypernyms: saltwater fish
2. usually solitary bottom sea basses of warm seas
Hypernyms: sea bass
coney, Epinephelus fulvus, hind, creole-fish, Paranthias furcifer, jewfish, Mycteroperca bonaci


groupie Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
an enthusiastic young fan (especially a young woman who follows rock groups around)
Hypernyms: fan, buff, devotee, lover


grouping Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
1. any number of entities (members) considered as a unit (Freq. 5)
Syn: group
Derivationally related forms: group (for: group)
Hypernyms: abstraction, abstract entity
world, human race, humanity, humankind, human beings, humans, mankind, man, arrangement, straggle, kingdom, biological group, community, biotic community, people, social group, collection, aggregation, accumulation, assemblage, edition, electron shell, ethnic group, ethnos, race, association, swarm, cloud, subgroup, sainthood, citizenry, population, multitude, masses, mass, hoi polloi, the great unwashed, varna, circuit, system, scheme, series, actinoid, actinide, actinon, rare earth, rare-earth element, lanthanoid, lanthanide, lanthanon, halogen
Instance Hyponyms: Great Lakes
2. the activity of putting things together in groups (Freq. 1)
Derivationally related forms: group
Hypernyms: activity
pairing, punctuation, phrasing, categorization, categorisation, classification, compartmentalization, compartmentalisation, assortment, collection, collecting, assembling, aggregation, sorting
3. a system for classifying things into groups
Syn: pigeonholing
Derivationally related forms: pigeonhole (for: pigeonholing)
Hypernyms: classification system


groupthink Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
decision making by a group (especially in a manner that discourages creativity or individual responsibility)
Hypernyms: decision making, deciding


groupware Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
software that can be used by a group of people who are working on the same information but may be distributed in space
Hypernyms: software, software program, computer software, software system, software package, package

helium group

helium group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the series of inert gases
Hypernyms: series

hydrazo group

hydrazo group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the bivalent group -HNNH- derived from hydrazine
Syn: hydrazo radical
Hypernyms: group, radical, chemical group

hydroxyl group

hydroxyl group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the monovalent group -OH in such compounds as bases and some acids and alcohols
Syn: hydroxyl, hydroxyl radical
Hypernyms: group, radical, chemical group

Islamic Group

Islamic Group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
1. a terrorist organization of militant Islamists organized into tiny cells of extreme fundamentalists; emerged during the 1970s mainly in Egyptian jails
- example : al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya uses force to push Egyptian society toward Islamic rule
Syn: al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya
Topics: terrorism, act of terrorism, terrorist act
Regions: Egypt, Arab Republic of Egypt, United Arab Republic
Instance Hypernyms: terrorist organization, terrorist group, foreign terrorist organization, FTO
2. a clandestine group of southeast Asian terrorists organized in 1993 and trained by al-Qaeda; supports militant Muslims in Indonesia and the Philippines and has cells in Singapore and Malaysia and Indonesia
Syn: Jemaah Islamiyah, JI, Islamic Community, Malaysian Mujahidin Group, Malaysia Militant Group
Topics: terrorism, act of terrorism, terrorist act
Regions: Malaysia, Malaya
Instance Hypernyms: terrorist organization, terrorist group, foreign terrorist organization, FTO

Islamic Group of Uzbekistan

Islamic Group of Uzbekistan Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a terrorist group of Islamic militants formed in 1996; opposes Uzbekistan's secular regime and wants to establish an Islamic state in central Asia; is a conduit for drugs from Afghanistan to central Asian countries
Syn: IMU, Islamic Party of Turkestan
Topics: terrorism, act of terrorism, terrorist act
Regions: Uzbekistan, Republic of Uzbekistan, Uzbek
Instance Hypernyms: terrorist organization, terrorist group, foreign terrorist organization, FTO

interest group

interest group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
(usually plural) a social group whose members control some field of activity and who have common aims
- example : the iron interests stepped up production
Syn: interest
Usage Domain: plural, plural form
Hypernyms: social group
Hyponyms: special interest, vested interest

jazz group

jazz group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a small band of jazz musicians (Freq. 1)
Syn: jazz band, combo
Hypernyms: dance band, band, dance orchestra

Kaplan Group

Kaplan Group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a Turkish terrorist group of fundamentalist Muslims with ties to al-Qaeda that operates in Germany; seeks the violent overthrow of the Turkish government and the establishment of an Islamic nation modeled on Iran
Syn: Association of Islamic Groups and Communities, Caliphate State
Topics: terrorism, act of terrorism, terrorist act
Regions: Germany, Federal Republic of Germany, Deutschland, FRG
Instance Hypernyms: terrorist organization, terrorist group, foreign terrorist organization, FTO

ketone group

ketone group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a group having the characteristic properties of ketones
Hypernyms: group, radical, chemical group

kin group

kin group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
group of people related by blood or marriage
Syn: kin, kinship group, kindred, clan, tribe
Derivationally related forms: tribal (for: tribe), kindred (for: kindred), kin (for: kin), kinship (for: kin)
Hypernyms: social group
mishpocha, mishpachah, family, family unit, folks, genealogy, family tree, totem, Tribes of Israel, Twelve Tribes of Israel
Member Meronyms: relative, relation, clansman, clanswoman, clan member, tribesman

kinship group

kinship group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
group of people related by blood or marriage
Syn: kin, kin group, kindred, clan, tribe
Derivationally related forms: tribal (for: tribe), kindred (for: kindred), kin (for: kin), kinship (for: kin)
Hypernyms: social group
mishpocha, mishpachah, family, family unit, folks, genealogy, family tree, totem, Tribes of Israel, Twelve Tribes of Israel
Member Meronyms: relative, relation, clansman, clanswoman, clan member, tribesman

Libyan Fighting Group

Libyan Fighting Group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a Libyan terrorist group organized in 1995 and aligned with al-Qaeda; seeks to radicalize the Libyan government; attempted to assassinate Qaddafi
Syn: Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, FIG, Al-Jama'a al-Islamiyyah al-Muqatilah bi-Libya, Libyan Islamic Group
Topics: terrorism, act of terrorism, terrorist act
Regions: Libya, Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
Instance Hypernyms: terrorist organization, terrorist group, foreign terrorist organization, FTO

Libyan Islamic Fighting Group

Libyan Islamic Fighting Group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a Libyan terrorist group organized in 1995 and aligned with al-Qaeda; seeks to radicalize the Libyan government; attempted to assassinate Qaddafi
Syn: FIG, Al-Jama'a al-Islamiyyah al-Muqatilah bi-Libya, Libyan Fighting Group, Libyan Islamic Group
Topics: terrorism, act of terrorism, terrorist act
Regions: Libya, Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
Instance Hypernyms: terrorist organization, terrorist group, foreign terrorist organization, FTO

Libyan Islamic Group

Libyan Islamic Group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a Libyan terrorist group organized in 1995 and aligned with al-Qaeda; seeks to radicalize the Libyan government; attempted to assassinate Qaddafi
Syn: Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, FIG, Al-Jama'a al-Islamiyyah al-Muqatilah bi-Libya, Libyan Fighting Group
Topics: terrorism, act of terrorism, terrorist act
Regions: Libya, Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
Instance Hypernyms: terrorist organization, terrorist group, foreign terrorist organization, FTO

linkage group

linkage group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
any pair of genes that tend to be transmitted together
- example : the genes of Drosophila fall into four linkage groups
Syn: linked genes
Hypernyms: gene, cistron, factor

Malaysia Militant Group

Malaysia Militant Group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a clandestine group of southeast Asian terrorists organized in 1993 and trained by al-Qaeda; supports militant Muslims in Indonesia and the Philippines and has cells in Singapore and Malaysia and Indonesia
Syn: Jemaah Islamiyah, JI, Islamic Group, Islamic Community, Malaysian Mujahidin Group
Topics: terrorism, act of terrorism, terrorist act
Regions: Malaysia, Malaya
Instance Hypernyms: terrorist organization, terrorist group, foreign terrorist organization, FTO

Malaysian Mujahidin Group

Malaysian Mujahidin Group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a clandestine group of southeast Asian terrorists organized in 1993 and trained by al-Qaeda; supports militant Muslims in Indonesia and the Philippines and has cells in Singapore and Malaysia and Indonesia
Syn: Jemaah Islamiyah, JI, Islamic Group, Islamic Community, Malaysia Militant Group
Topics: terrorism, act of terrorism, terrorist act
Regions: Malaysia, Malaya
Instance Hypernyms: terrorist organization, terrorist group, foreign terrorist organization, FTO

mathematical group

mathematical group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a set that is closed, associative, has an identity element and every element has an inverse
Syn: group
Hypernyms: set
Hyponyms: subgroup, Abelian group, commutative group

methyl group

methyl group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the univalent radical CH3- derived from methane
Syn: methyl, methyl radical
Hypernyms: alkyl, alkyl group, alkyl radical
Hyponyms: aminomethane, hydroxymethyl

methylene group

methylene group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the bivalent radical CH2 derived from methane
Syn: methylene radical, methylene
Hypernyms: group, radical, chemical group

military group

military group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a unit that is part of some military service
- example : he sent Caesar a force of six thousand men
Syn: military unit, military force, force
Topics: military, armed forces, armed services, military machine, war machine
Hypernyms: unit, social unit
trip wire, command, enemy, task force, army unit, naval unit, air unit, armor, armour, mujahidin, mujahedin, mujahedeen, mujahadeen, mujahadin, mujahideen, mujahadein, guard, legion, echelon, phalanx, Republican Guard, Haganah, Israeli Defense Force, IDF, militia, reserves, commando, contingent, detail, headquarters, spearhead
Member Holonyms: military service, armed service, service
Member Meronyms: serviceman, military man, man, military personnel

musical group

musical group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
an organization of musicians who perform together
Syn: musical organization, musical organisation
Hypernyms: organization, organisation
chorus, ensemble, section, duet, duette, duo, trio, quartet, quartette, quintet, quintette, sextet, sextette, sestet, septet, septette, octet, octette, orchestra, band, dance band, dance orchestra
Member Meronyms: musician, instrumentalist, player

nitro group

nitro group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the group -NO3
Hypernyms: group, radical, chemical group
Substance Holonyms: nitrate

occupational group

occupational group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a body of people doing the same kind of work
Syn: vocation
Hypernyms: body
Hyponyms: profession, press corps

Omomyid group

Omomyid group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
extinct tiny nocturnal lower primates that fed on fruit and insects; abundant in North America and Europe 30 to 50 million years ago; probably gave rise to the tarsiers; some authorities consider them ancestral to anthropoids but others consider them only cousins
Syn: Omomyid
Hypernyms: taxonomic group, taxonomic category, taxon
Member Holonyms: Primates, order Primates

Orange Group

Orange Group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a terrorist group of Protestants who oppose any political settlement with Irish nationalists; a paramilitary group that attacks Catholic interests in Northern Ireland
Syn: OV
Topics: terrorism, act of terrorism, terrorist act
Regions: Northern Ireland
Instance Hypernyms: terrorist organization, terrorist group, foreign terrorist organization, FTO

Orly Group

Orly Group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a militant Marxist-Leninist terrorist organization formed in 1975 to force Turkey to acknowledge killing more than a million Armenians and forcibly removing them from border areas in 1915; wants Turkey to pay reparations and cede territory to Armenia
- example : ASALA bombing at Orly Airport in Paris in 1983 killed 8 and wounded 55 people
Syn: Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia, ASALA, 3rd October Organization
Topics: terrorism, act of terrorism, terrorist act
Regions: Armenia, Republic of Armenia, Hayastan
Instance Hypernyms: terrorist organization, terrorist group, foreign terrorist organization, FTO

peer group

peer group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
contemporaries of the same status (Freq. 1)
Hypernyms: coevals, contemporaries, generation
Member Meronyms: peer, equal, match, compeer

Phycomycetes group

Phycomycetes group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a large and probably unnatural group of fungi and funguslike organisms comprising the Mastigomycota (including the Oomycetes) and Zygomycota subdivisions of the division Eumycota; a category not used in all systems
Syn: Phycomycetes
Hypernyms: taxonomic group, taxonomic category, taxon
Member Holonyms: Fungi, kingdom Fungi, fungus kingdom

play group

play group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a small informal nursery group meeting for half-day sessions
Syn: playschool
Hypernyms: preschool

pop group

pop group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a group that plays pop music
Hypernyms: ensemble
Hyponyms: indie

pressure group

pressure group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a group of people who try actively to influence legislation
Syn: lobby, third house
Derivationally related forms: lobbyist (for: lobby), lobby (for: lobby)
Hypernyms: political unit, political entity
Hyponyms: National Rifle Association, NRA

propyl group

propyl group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the monovalent organic group C3H7- obtained from propane
Syn: propyl, propyl radical
Hypernyms: group, radical, chemical group

psychotherapy group

psychotherapy group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a meeting of people for psychotherapeutic purposes
Hypernyms: meeting, group meeting
Hyponyms: encounter group

rap group

rap group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a gathering of people holding a rap session
Hypernyms: gathering, assemblage

revolutionary group

revolutionary group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a political unit organized to promote revolution
Hypernyms: political unit, political entity
Hyponyms: underground, resistance

rock group

rock group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a band of musicians who play rock'n'roll music
Syn: rock band
Hypernyms: dance band, band, dance orchestra
Instance Hyponyms: Beatles

Salafast Group for Call and Combat

Salafast Group for Call and Combat Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
an Algerian extremist Islamic offshoot of the Armed Islamic Group; now the largest and most active armed terrorist group in Algeria that seeks to overthrow the government; a major source of support and recruitment for al-Qaeda operations in Europe and northern Africa
Syn: Salafist Group, GSPC
Topics: terrorism, act of terrorism, terrorist act
Regions: Algeria, Algerie, Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria
Instance Hypernyms: terrorist organization, terrorist group, foreign terrorist organization, FTO

Salafist Group

Salafist Group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
an Algerian extremist Islamic offshoot of the Armed Islamic Group; now the largest and most active armed terrorist group in Algeria that seeks to overthrow the government; a major source of support and recruitment for al-Qaeda operations in Europe and northern Africa
Syn: Salafast Group for Call and Combat, GSPC
Topics: terrorism, act of terrorism, terrorist act
Regions: Algeria, Algerie, Democratic and Popular Republic of Algeria
Instance Hypernyms: terrorist organization, terrorist group, foreign terrorist organization, FTO

scout group

scout group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a unit of Girl or Boy Scouts
Syn: troop, scout troop
Hypernyms: unit, social unit

skiffle group

skiffle group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a band of musicians who play skiffle
Regions: United Kingdom, UK, U.K., Britain, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Great Britain
Hypernyms: ensemble

social group

social group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
people sharing some social relation
Hypernyms: group, grouping
body, society, minority, sector, interest, interest group, kin, kin group, kinship group, kindred, clan, tribe, kith, fringe, gathering, assemblage, congregation, fold, faithful, organization, organisation, phylum, force, platoon, revolving door, set, circle, band, lot, organized crime, gangland, gangdom, subculture, nonalignment, nonalinement, political system, form of government, moiety, folk, movement, social movement, front, Jewry, wing

splinter group

splinter group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a faction or sect that has broken away from its parent organization
Hypernyms: faction, sect

taxonomic group

taxonomic group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
animal or plant group having natural relations
Syn: taxonomic category, taxon
Hypernyms: biological group
Adapid, Adapid group, Omomyid, Omomyid group, kingdom, subkingdom, variety, phylum, subphylum, superphylum, class, subclass, superclass, order, suborder, superorder, family, superfamily, subfamily, tribe, genus, subgenus, monotype, species, subspecies, race, form, variant, strain, var., type, Pteridospermae, group Pteridospermae, Pteridospermaphyta, group Pteridospermaphyta, Centrospermae, group Centrospermae, Amentiferae, group Amentiferae, Phycomycetes, Phycomycetes group

terrorist group

terrorist group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a political movement that uses terror as a weapon to achieve its goals
Syn: terrorist organization, foreign terrorist organization, FTO
Topics: terrorism, act of terrorism, terrorist act
Hypernyms: political movement
Instance Hyponyms:
Abu Hafs al-Masri Brigades, Abu Sayyaf, Bearer of the Sword, Aksa Martyrs Brigades, al-Aksa Martyrs Brigades, Martyrs of al-Aqsa, Alex Boncayao Brigade, ABB, Revolutionary Proletarian Army, RPA-ABB, al-Fatah, Fatah, al-Asifa, al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya, Islamic Group, al Itihaad al Islamiya, al-Itihaad al-Islamiya, Islamic Unity, AIAI, al-Jihad, Egyptian Islamic Jihad, Islamic Jihad, Vanguards of Conquest, al-Ma'unah, al-Muhajiroun, Al Nathir, al-Qaeda, Qaeda, al-Qa'ida, al-Qaida, Base, al-Rashid Trust, al Sunna Wal Jamma, Followers of the Phrophet, al-Tawhid, Al Tawhid, Divine Unity, al-Ummah, Ansar al Islam, Ansar al-Islam, Supporters of Islam, Armata Corsa, Corsican Army, Armed Islamic Group, GIA, Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia, ASALA, Orly Group, 3rd October Organization, Army for the Liberation of Rwanda, ALIR, Former Armed Forces, FAR, Interahamwe, Asbat al-Ansar, Band of Partisans, Aum Shinrikyo, Aum, Supreme Truth, Baader Meinhof Gang, Baader-Meinhof Gang, Basque Homeland and Freedom, Basque Fatherland and Liberty, Euskadi ta Askatasuna, ETA, Black September Movement, Chukaku-Ha, Continuity Irish Republican Army, CIRA, Continuity Army Council, Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, DFLP, Popular Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine, PDFLP, East Turkistan Islamic Movement, East Turkestan Islamic Movement, Fatah Revolutionary Council, Fatah-RC, Abu Nidal Organization, ANO, Arab Revolutionary Brigades, Black September, Revolutionary Organization of Socialist Muslims, Fatah Tanzim, Tanzim, First of October Antifascist Resistance Group, GRAPO, Force 17, Forces of Umar Al-Mukhtar, Umar al-Mukhtar Forces, Hamas, Islamic Resistance Movement, Harkat-ul-Jihad-e-Islami, Harakat ul-Jihad-I-Islami, HUJI, Harkat-ul-Mujahidin, HUM, Harkat ul-Ansar, HUA, Harkat ul-Mujahedeen, Al Faran, Movement of Holy Warriors, Hizballah, Hezbollah, Hizbollah, Hizbullah, Lebanese Hizballah, Party of God, Islamic Jihad for the Liberation of Palestine, Revolutionary Justice Organization, Organization of the Oppressed on Earth, Hizb ut-Tahrir, Freedom Party, International Islamic Front for Jihad against Jews and Crusaders, Irish National Liberation Army, INLA, People's Liberation Army, People's Republican Army, Catholic Reaction Force, Irish Republican Army, IRA, Provisional Irish Republican Army, Provisional IRA, Provos, Islamic Army of Aden, IAA, Islamic Army of Aden-Abyan, Aden-Abyan Islamic Army, Islamic Great Eastern Raiders-Front, IBDA-C, Islamic Group of Uzbekistan, IMU, Islamic Party of Turkestan, Jaish-i-Mohammed, Jaish-e-Muhammad, JEM, Army of Muhammad, Jamaat ul-Fuqra, Fuqra, Tanzimul Fuqra, Japanese Red Army, JRA, Anti-Imperialist International Brigade, Jayshullah, Jemaah Islamiyah, JI, Islamic Community, Malaysian Mujahidin Group, Malaysia Militant Group, Jerusalem Warriors, Jund-ul-Islam, Soldiers of God, Kahane Chai, Kach, Kaplan Group, Association of Islamic Groups and Communities, Caliphate State, Khmer Rouge, KR, Party of Democratic Kampuchea, Communist Party of Kampuchea, Ku Klux Klan, Klan, KKK, Kurdistan Workers Party, Kurdistan Labor Pary, Partiya Karkeran Kurdistan, PPK, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, Lashkar-e-Omar, Al Qanoon, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Lashkar-e-Toiba, Lashkar-e-Tayyiba, LET, Army of the Pure, Army of the Righteous, Laskar Jihad, Holy War Warriors, Lautaro Youth Movement, Lautaro Faction of the United Popular Action Movement, Lautaro Popular Rebel Forces, Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, LTTE, Tamil Tigers, Tigers, World Tamil Association, World Tamil Movement, Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, FIG, Al-Jama'a al-Islamiyyah al-Muqatilah bi-Libya, Libyan Fighting Group, Libyan Islamic Group, Lord's Resistance Army, Loyalist Volunteer Force, Maktab al-Khidmat, MAK, Manuel Rodriquez Patriotic Front, Moranzanist Patriotic Front, Moro Islamic Liberation Front, Mujahedeen Kompak, Mujahidin-e Khalq Organization, MKO, MEK, People's Mujahidin of Iran, National Liberation Army, ELN, Nestor Paz Zamora Commission, CNPZ, National Liberation Front of Corsica, FLNC, New People's Army, NPA, Orange Group, OV, Palestine Islamic Jihad, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, PIJ, Harakat al-Jihad al-Islami al-Filastini, Palestine Liberation Front, PLF, Jabat al-Tahrir al-Filistiniyyah, Palestinian Hizballah, Pentagon Gang, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, PFLP, Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command, PFLP-GC, Popular Struggle Front, PSF, 15 May Organization, People against Gangsterism and Drugs, PAGAD, Puka Inti, Sol Rojo, Red Sun, Qassam Brigades, Salah al-Din Battalions, Iz Al-Din Al-Qassam Battalions, Qibla, Real IRA, Real Irish Republican Army, RIRA, Dissident Irish Republican Army, Red Army Faction, RAF, Red Brigades, Brigate Rosse, BR, Red Hand Defenders, RHD, Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarios de Colombia, FARC, Revolutionary Organization 17 November, 17 November, Revolutionary People's Liberation Party, Revolutionary People's Liberation Front, Revolutionary People's Struggle, ELA, Revolutionary Proletarian Nucleus, Revolutionary Proletarian Initiative Nuclei, NIPR, Revolutionary United Front, RUF, Salafist Group, Salafast Group for Call and Combat, GSPC, Shining Path, Sendero Luminoso, SL, Sipah-e-Sahaba, Tareekh e Kasas, Movement for Revenge, Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement, Movimiento Revolucionario Tupac Anaru, MRTA, Tupac Katari Guerrilla Army, EGTK, Turkish Hizballah, Ulster Defence Association, UDA, United Self-Defense Force of Colombia, United Self-Defense Group of Colombia, Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia, AUC

United Self-Defense Group of Colombia

United Self-Defense Group of Colombia Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a terrorist organization in Colombia formed in 1997 as an umbrella for local and regional paramilitary groups; is financed by earnings from narcotics and serves to protect the economic interests of its members
- example : the AUC conducted over 800 assassinations in one year
Syn: United Self-Defense Force of Colombia, Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia, AUC
Topics: terrorism, act of terrorism, terrorist act
Regions: Colombia, Republic of Colombia
Instance Hypernyms: terrorist organization, terrorist group, foreign terrorist organization, FTO

uranyl group

uranyl group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the bivalent radical UO2 which forms salts with acids
Syn: uranyl, uranyl radical
Hypernyms: group, radical, chemical group
Substance Holonyms: uranyl oxalate, uranyl nitrate

vinyl group

vinyl group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a univalent chemical radical derived from ethylene
Syn: vinyl, vinyl radical
Hypernyms: group, radical, chemical group

working group

working group Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a group of people working together temporarily until some goal is achieved
- example : the working group was supposed to report back in two weeks
Syn: working party
Hypernyms: unit, social unit
Hyponyms: expedition

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