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crown Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
taç giydirmek; ödüllendirmek; kaplamak, süslemek; kafasına vurmak; dama yapmak; doruğa ulaştırmak
taç, çelenk; hükümdarlık, taht, tepe; zirve, beş şilin

crown cap

crown cap Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
gazoz kapağı, şişe kapağı

crown glass

crown glass Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
mercek camı

crown jewels

crown jewels Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
saray mücevherleri

crown law

crown law Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
ceza hukuku

crown prince

crown prince Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
veliaht prens

crown princess

crown princess Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
veliaht prenses, veliahtın karısı


crowned Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
taç giymiş


crowning Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
en yüksek, parlak


crowning Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
en yüksek, taç giyme

crowning achievement

crowning achievement Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
parlak başarı

plea of the crown

plea of the crown Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
cezai kovuşturma

succeed to the crown

succeed to the crown Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
tahta çıkmak

the Crown

the Crown Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın

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crown Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
appoint as king, appoint as queen; honor
headdress worn by royalty; decorative headdress; wreath worn on the head; top part of the head; summit, highest point; epitome; part of the tooth above the gum; artificial cap for the tooth (Dentistry); former British coin

crown a tooth

crown a tooth Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
put a dental crown on a tooth, put a protective covering on a tooth

crown colony

crown colony Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
colony of the British commonwealth ruled by British law

crown of thorns

crown of thorns Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
wreath made of thistles; great suffering

crown prince

crown prince Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
male heir apparent to the throne

crown princess

crown princess Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
heiress of a monarch, heiress to a crown or throne, wife of the crown prince


crowne Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
crown, royal headdress (Archaic spelling); wreath worn around the head

Crowne Plaza

Crowne Plaza Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
worldwide network of hotels and resorts (part of the Holiday Inn hotel network)


crowned Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
having a crown; having an artificial crown on a tooth; laurelled

crowned with success

crowned with success Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
earned success through effort, obtained prosperity


crowner Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
head injury; (U.K.) promotional label for a product; person who crowns, thing which crowns; crowning event; (British usage) coroner, official examiner that investigates unnatural deaths


crowning Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
forming a crown or summit; greatest in achievement, representing highest achievement or attainment


crowning Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
preparation of the natural crown of a tooth and covering the prepared crown with a veneer of appropriate dental material such as gold or non-precious metal casting or porcelain or plastic (Dentistry); stage of childbirth when the baby`s head passes through the vaginal aperture (Medicine); ceremony or procedure of making somebody a monarch

crowning achievement

crowning achievement Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
greatest accomplishment, highest achievement


crownland Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
(in Austria-Hungary) one of the provinces, largest administrative divisions of the monarchy


crownwork Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
(Dentistry) dental apparatus that comprises an artificial crown for a tooth

dental crown

dental crown Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
tooth coating, fake tooth (Dentistry)

jewel in the crown

jewel in the crown Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
first among equals, cream of the crop, creme de la creme

royal crown

royal crown Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
headpiece worn by a king or queen, jeweled golden hat of a king or queen

succeed to the crown

succeed to the crown Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
take possession of the royal throne, become King

the Crown

the Crown Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
Royal family

the Northern Crown

the Northern Crown Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
constellation of stars in the northern skies

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British Crown

British Crown Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the symbol of the power of the British monarchy
- example : members of the British Commonwealth owe allegiance to the British Crown
Instance Hypernyms: Crown

Counsel to the Crown

Counsel to the Crown Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a barrister selected to serve as counsel to the British ruler
Hypernyms: barrister
Hyponyms: King's Counsel, Queen's Counsel


crown Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
1. the part of a tooth above the gum that is covered with enamel (Freq. 1)
Hypernyms: top
Part Holonyms: tooth
Part Meronyms: enamel, tooth enamel
2. a wreath or garland worn on the head to signify victory (Freq. 1)
Hypernyms: wreath, garland, coronal, chaplet, lei
Hyponyms: crown of thorns
3. an ornamental jeweled headdress signifying sovereignty (Freq. 1)
Syn: diadem
Derivationally related forms: coronate
Hypernyms: jewelled headdress, jeweled headdress, crown jewels
Hyponyms: coronet
4. the part of a hat (the vertex) that covers the crown of the head (Freq. 1)
Hypernyms: vertex, peak, apex, acme
Part Holonyms: hat, chapeau, lid
5. an English coin worth 5 shillings
Hypernyms: coin
6. the upper branches and leaves of a tree or other plant
Syn: treetop
Hypernyms: top
Hyponyms: capitulum
Part Holonyms: tree
7. the top or extreme point of something (usually a mountain or hill)
- example : the view from the peak was magnificent
- example : they clambered to the tip of Monadnock
- example : the region is a few molecules wide at the summit
Syn: peak, crest, top, tip, summit
Derivationally related forms: summit (for: summit), top (for: top), crest (for: crest)
Hypernyms: topographic point, place, spot
Hyponyms: hilltop, brow, pinnacle, mountain peak
8. the award given to the champion
Syn: pennant
Hypernyms: award, accolade, honor, honour, laurels
9. the top of the head
Syn: pate, poll
Hypernyms: top, top side, upper side, upside
Hyponyms: tonsure
Part Holonyms: human head
10. the center of a cambered road
Syn: crest
Hypernyms: top, top side, upper side, upside
Part Holonyms: road, route
11. (dentistry) dental appliance consisting of an artificial crown for a broken or decayed tooth
- example : tomorrow my dentist will fit me for a crown
Syn: crownwork, jacket, jacket crown, cap
Topics: dentistry, dental medicine, odontology
Hypernyms: dental appliance
1. invest with regal power; enthrone (Freq. 2)
- example : The prince was crowned in Westminster Abbey
Syn: coronate
Derivationally related forms: Crown (for: coronate), crown (for: coronate), coronation (for: coronate), Crown
Hypernyms: invest, vest, enthrone
Verb Frames:
- example : Somebody ----s somebody
2. be the culminating event (Freq. 2)
- example : The speech crowned the meeting
Syn: top
Hypernyms: culminate, climax
Verb Frames:
- example : Something ----s something
3. form the topmost part of
- example : A weather vane crowns the building
Hypernyms: head
Verb Frames:
- example : Something ----s something
4. put an enamel cover on
- example : crown my teeth
Hypernyms: cover
Verb Frames:
- example : Somebody ----s something


Crown Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the Crown (or the reigning monarch) as the symbol of the power and authority of a monarchy (Freq. 1)
- example : the colonies revolted against the Crown
Derivationally related forms: crown, coronate
Hypernyms: symbol
Instance Hyponyms: British Crown

crown beard

crown beard Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
any plant of the genus Verbesina having clustered white or yellow flower heads
Syn: crownbeard, crown-beard
Hypernyms: composite, composite plant
wingstem, golden ironweed, yellow ironweed, golden honey plant, Verbesina alternifolia, Actinomeris alternifolia, cowpen daisy, golden crownbeard, golden crown beard, butter daisy, Verbesina encelioides, Ximenesia encelioides, gravelweed, Verbesina helianthoides, Virginia crownbeard, frostweed, frost-weed, Verbesina virginica
Member Holonyms: Verbesina, genus Verbesina

Crown Colony

Crown Colony Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a British colony controlled by the British Crown, represented by a governor
Hypernyms: colony, dependency

crown daisy

crown daisy Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
shrubby annual of the Mediterranean region with yellowish-white flowers
Syn: Chrysanthemum coronarium
Hypernyms: chrysanthemum
Member Holonyms: genus Chrysanthemum

crown fire

crown fire Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a forest fire that advances with great speed jumping from crown to crown ahead of the ground fire
Hypernyms: forest fire

crown gall

crown gall Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a bacterial disease of plants (especially pome and stone fruits and grapes and roses) which forms excrescences on the stem near the ground (Freq. 7)
Hypernyms: plant disease
Hyponyms: hairy root

crown glass

crown glass Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
1. a glass blown into a globe which is later flattened and spun to form a disk
Hypernyms: glass
2. optical glass of low dispersion and low refractive index
Syn: optical crown, optical crown glass
Hypernyms: optical glass

crown imperial

crown imperial Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
Eurasian herb with a cluster of leaves and orange-red bell-shaped flowers at the top of the stem
Syn: Fritillaria imperialis
Hypernyms: fritillary, checkered lily

crown jewel

crown jewel Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
1. the most desirable assets of a corporation
- example : their crown jewels figured prominently in the takeover attempt
Hypernyms: assets
2. a precious stone that is a valuable part of a sovereign's regalia
Hypernyms: jewel, gem, precious stone

crown jewels

crown jewels Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
regalia (jewelry and other paraphernalia) worn by a sovereign on state occasions
Usage Domain: plural, plural form
Hypernyms: regalia
Hyponyms: crown, diadem

Crown land

Crown land Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
land that belongs to the Crown
Regions: United Kingdom, UK, U.K., Britain, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Great Britain
Hypernyms: estate, land, landed estate, acres, demesne

crown lens

crown lens Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a lens made of optical crown glass
Hypernyms: lens, lense, lens system

crown monkey

crown monkey Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
Indian macaque with a bonnet-like tuft of hair
Syn: bonnet macaque, bonnet monkey, capped macaque, Macaca radiata
Hypernyms: macaque

crown of thorns

crown of thorns Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
1. somewhat climbing bushy spurge of Madagascar having long woody spiny stems with few leaves and flowers with scarlet bracts
Syn: Christ thorn, Christ plant, Euphorbia milii
Hypernyms: spurge
Member Holonyms: Euphorbia, genus Euphorbia
2. any affliction that causes great suffering
- example : that is his cross to bear
- example : he bears his afflictions like a crown of thorns
Syn: cross
Derivationally related forms: cross (for: cross)
Hypernyms: affliction
3. a mock crown made of thorn branches that Roman soldiers placed on Jesus before the Crucifixion
Hypernyms: crown

crown prince

crown prince Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a male heir apparent to a throne
Hypernyms: prince

crown princess

crown princess Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
1. the wife of a crown prince
Hypernyms: wife, married woman
2. a female heir apparent to a throne
Hypernyms: princess

crown roast

crown roast Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a roast of the rib section of lamb
Syn: rack of lamb
Hypernyms: lamb roast, roast lamb, rack

crown saw

crown saw Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a saw having teeth around the edge of a hollow cylinder
Hypernyms: saw

crown vetch

crown vetch Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
European herb resembling vetch; naturalized in the eastern United States; having umbels of pink-and-white flowers and sharp-angled pods
Syn: axseed, Coronilla varia
Hypernyms: coronilla
Member Holonyms: genus Coronilla

crown wart

crown wart Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a fungous disease of alfalfa which forms white excrescences at the base of the stem
Hypernyms: plant disease


crownbeard Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
any plant of the genus Verbesina having clustered white or yellow flower heads
Syn: crown-beard, crown beard
Hypernyms: composite, composite plant
wingstem, golden ironweed, yellow ironweed, golden honey plant, Verbesina alternifolia, Actinomeris alternifolia, cowpen daisy, golden crownbeard, golden crown beard, butter daisy, Verbesina encelioides, Ximenesia encelioides, gravelweed, Verbesina helianthoides, Virginia crownbeard, frostweed, frost-weed, Verbesina virginica
Member Holonyms: Verbesina, genus Verbesina


crown-beard Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
any plant of the genus Verbesina having clustered white or yellow flower heads
Syn: crownbeard, crown beard
Hypernyms: composite, composite plant
wingstem, golden ironweed, yellow ironweed, golden honey plant, Verbesina alternifolia, Actinomeris alternifolia, cowpen daisy, golden crownbeard, golden crown beard, butter daisy, Verbesina encelioides, Ximenesia encelioides, gravelweed, Verbesina helianthoides, Virginia crownbeard, frostweed, frost-weed, Verbesina virginica
Member Holonyms: Verbesina, genus Verbesina


crowned Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
1. having an (artificial) crown on a tooth (Freq. 1)
- example : had many crowned teeth
Ant: uncrowned
Similar to: capped
Topics: dentistry, dental medicine, odontology
2. crowned with or as if with laurel symbolizing victory
Syn: laureled, laurelled
Ant: unlaureled (for: laureled)
3. provided with or as if with a crown or a crown as specified; often used in combination
- example : a high-crowned hat
- example : an orange-crowned bird
- example : a crowned signet ring
Ant: uncrowned
Similar to: capped, chapleted, comate, comose, high-crowned, royal

crowned head

crowned head Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a nation's ruler or head of state usually by hereditary right
Syn: sovereign, monarch
Derivationally related forms: monarchal (for: monarch), monarchic (for: monarch), monarchical (for: monarch)
Hypernyms: ruler, swayer, head of state, chief of state
Capetian, Carolingian, Carlovingian, czar, tsar, tzar, emperor, king, male monarch, Rex, Merovingian, Shah, Shah of Iran


crowning Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
1. representing a level of the highest possible achievement or attainment (Freq. 1)
- example : the crowning accomplishment of his career
Similar to: ultimate
2. forming or providing a crown or summit
- example : the crowning star on a Christmas tree
- example : her hair was her crowning glory
Similar to: top


crownless Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
not (especially not yet) provided with a crown
- example : the uncrowned king
Syn: uncrowned
Ant: crowned (for: uncrowned)
Similar to: quasi-royal


crown-of-the-field Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
European annual having large trumpet-shaped reddish-purple flowers and poisonous seed; a common weed in grainfields and beside roadways; naturalized in America
Syn: corn cockle, corn campion, Agrostemma githago
Hypernyms: weed
Member Holonyms: Agrostemma, genus Agrostemma


crownwork Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
(dentistry) dental appliance consisting of an artificial crown for a broken or decayed tooth
- example : tomorrow my dentist will fit me for a crown
Syn: crown, jacket, jacket crown, cap
Topics: dentistry, dental medicine, odontology
Hypernyms: dental appliance

golden crown beard

golden crown beard Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
coarse greyish-green annual yellow-flowered herb; southwestern United States to Mexico
Syn: cowpen daisy, golden crownbeard, butter daisy, Verbesina encelioides, Ximenesia encelioides
Hypernyms: crownbeard, crown-beard, crown beard

half crown

half crown Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
an English coin worth half a crown
Hypernyms: coin

jacket crown

jacket crown Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
(dentistry) dental appliance consisting of an artificial crown for a broken or decayed tooth
- example : tomorrow my dentist will fit me for a crown
Syn: crown, crownwork, jacket, cap
Topics: dentistry, dental medicine, odontology
Hypernyms: dental appliance

Nero's crown

Nero's crown Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
tropical shrub having glossy foliage and fragrant nocturnal flowers with crimped or wavy corollas; northern India to Thailand
crape jasmine, crepe jasmine, crepe gardenia, pinwheel flower, East Indian rosebay, Adam's apple, coffee rose, Tabernaemontana divaricate
Hypernyms: shrub, bush
Member Holonyms: Tabernaemontana, genus Tabernaemontana

optical crown

optical crown Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
optical glass of low dispersion and low refractive index
Syn: crown glass, optical crown glass
Hypernyms: optical glass

optical crown glass

optical crown glass Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
optical glass of low dispersion and low refractive index
Syn: optical crown, crown glass
Hypernyms: optical glass

pinion and crown wheel

pinion and crown wheel Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
gears that mesh at an angle
Syn: bevel gear, pinion and ring gear
Hypernyms: gear, gear wheel, geared wheel, cogwheel
Hyponyms: differential gear, differential

triple crown

triple crown Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
1. (horse racing) a title won by a horse that can win the Kentucky Derby and the Belmont Stakes and the Preakness
Topics: horse racing
Hypernyms: championship, title
2. (baseball) an unofficial title won by a batter who leads the league in hitting average, runs batted in, and home runs
Topics: baseball, baseball game
Hypernyms: championship, title

Linguatic Topluluğunda Son Arananlar

Şafak tanrıçasıŞafak tanrıçası Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
Rough RiderRough Rider Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
conceptconcept Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
U.S. U.S. Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
neocolonialistneocolonialist Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
sabahlamasabahlama Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
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DetailausbildungDetailausbildung Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
AbkühlverlustAbkühlverlust Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
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CalcuttanCalcuttan Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
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AbfederungAbfederung Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
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crowncrown Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
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