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İngilizce Türkçe

Linguatic İngilizce Türkçe Sözlük


air force

air force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
hava kuvvetleri

be in force

be in force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
yürürlükte olmak

be out in force

be out in force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
ortalıkta çok olmak

brute force

brute force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
kaba kuvvet

by (main) force

by (main) force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın

by force

by force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
zorla, zor kullanarak, cebren

by force of arms

by force of arms Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
silâh zoruyla

by main force

by main force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
var gücüyle

centrifugal force

centrifugal force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
merkezkaç kuvveti, savurma kuvveti

centripetal force

centripetal force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
merkezcil çekim kuvveti, ortaya çekici kuvvet

come into force

come into force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
yürürlüğe girmek

detective force

detective force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
güvenlik gücü, cinayet masası görevlisi

driving force

driving force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
itici güç

electromotive force

electromotive force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
elektrik hareket gücü


force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
zorlamak, mecbur etmek, sıkıştırmak, baskı yapmak, yükseltmek (fiyat), çabuklaştırmak, ırzına geçmek, serada yetiştirmek


force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
kuvvet, güç, zorlama, kudret, zor, şiddet, baskı, etki, nüfuz, geçerlilik, yürürlük, kütle, yığın, birlik

force a smile

force a smile Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
zorla gülümsemek

force feed

force feed Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
zorla besleme, zorla yedirme

force land

force land Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
inişe zorlamak, zorunlu iniş yapmak

force majeure

force majeure Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
zorlayıcı sebep

force meat

force meat Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
yoğurulmuş kıyma, baharatlı kıyma, dolma içi

force of gravity

force of gravity Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
çekim, çekilme şiddeti, yerçekimi, ağırlık

force one`s way

force one`s way Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
güçlükle yol almak, yolunu zorla açmak

force pump

force pump Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
basma tulumba, tulumba

force s.o. at gunpoint

force s.o. at gunpoint Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
tabancayla/tüfekle birini zorlamak

force smb.`s hand

force smb.`s hand Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
zorla yaptırmak

force the door

force the door Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
kapıyı zorlamak

force the pace

force the pace Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
hızlandırmak, çabuklaştırmak

force to submit

force to submit Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
boyun eğdirmek


forced Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
zorunlu, mecbur, mecburi, zoraki

forced labor

forced labor Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
kürek cezası, angarya

forced landing

forced landing Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
zorunlu iniş, mecburi iniş

forced march

forced march Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
cebri yürüyüş

forced sale

forced sale Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
zorla satış, zorunlu satış


forcedly Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
zorunlu, mecburen, mecburi, zoraki


forceful Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
kuvvetli, güçlü, şiddetli, etkili, etkin, etkileyici


forcefulness Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
güç, şiddet, etki, etkinlik


forceps Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
forseps, maşa, pens


forces Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın

gravitational force

gravitational force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
yerçekimi gücü

in force

in force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
yürürlükte, geçerli

labor force

labor force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın

land force

land force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
kara kuvveti

newtonian force

newtonian force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
newton gücü

peaceful keeping force

peaceful keeping force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
barış gücü

physical force

physical force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
fiziksel güç

police force

police force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
polis gücü, güvenlik kuvvetleri

propulsive force

propulsive force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
itici güç

put in force

put in force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
infaz etmek, yerine getirmek

resort to force

resort to force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
zor kullanmak, kaba kuvvete başvurmak

roving force

roving force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
gezici birlik

security force

security force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
güvenlik kuvvetleri

seize by force

seize by force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın

shearing force

shearing force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
makaslama gücü

task force

task force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
tim, özel tim, özel görev grubu

The force

The force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın

the force of habit

the force of habit Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
alışkanlık sonucu

tour de force

tour de force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
güç gösterisi, zoru başarma

use force

use force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
baskı yapmak

wind force

wind force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
rüzgâr gücü, rüzgârın şiddeti

without resort to force

without resort to force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
zor kullanmadan, kaba kuvvete başvurmadan

work force

work force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
işgücü, işçi sayısı, çalışma potansiyeli

İngilizce İngilizce

Linguatic İngilizce İngilizce Sözlük


abstain from force

abstain from force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
avoid using force, refrain from using force, avoid violence

accelerating force

accelerating force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
e force which causes accelerated motion...

accelerating force

accelerating force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
see accelerate

aggressor force

aggressor force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
enemy army, red force

air force

air force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
aviation branch of a country`s armed forces

air force accident

air force accident Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
unintentional damage caused to aircraft of the air force

Air Force Journal

Air Force Journal Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
daily record of air force activity

Air Force One

Air Force One Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
airplane on which the President of the United States travels

auxiliary force

auxiliary force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
supporting army, reserve detachment, additional force

Beaufort force

Beaufort force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
Beaufort number, number that indicates the wind velocity according to the Beaufort wind scale (from 0=calm to 12=hurricane)

beef up the force

beef up the force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
strengthen the force

blue force

blue force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
term used for military forces acting together

British Royal Air Force

British Royal Air Force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
military air force of Britain

by force

by force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
powerfully, compellingly, forcefully, coercively

by force of

by force of Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
by the power of -, using -

by force of circumstances

by force of circumstances Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
caused by circumstances, brought about by external events

came into force

came into force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
became valid, became effective

Canadian Expeditionary Force

Canadian Expeditionary Force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
Canadian armed forces sent to fight overseas (esp. during World War I), CEF

centrifugal force

centrifugal force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
force that moves objects or parts away from a center of rotation

centripetal force

centripetal force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
force which pulls objects toward the center around which they are moving

come into force

come into force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
become effective, become valid, receive validity

Confederate Air Force

Confederate Air Force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
American organization that works to preserve and restore American military aircraft from the World War II period, CAF

covering force

covering force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
military unit whose function it is to afford protection for another force

drag force

drag force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
force which acts against the direction of a body`s movement

driving force

driving force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
motivation, push that causes things to be completed

driving force behind

driving force behind Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
force with makes something happen, motivation behind, impetus, source of power behind

electoral force

electoral force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
influence or power wielded by voters

electromotive force

electromotive force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
amount of electrical energy that is produced from an electrical circuit

emergency task force

emergency task force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
group of workers that can be called up in the event of an emergency

employ force

employ force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
apply strength, use power

field force

field force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
sales force that works away from the main office or center

fire-delivering force

fire-delivering force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
military unit concentrating fire upon a designated target


force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
bring about through the use of power; impose; compel; oblige; break through, push through; artificially increase the rate of growth (of plants, etc.)


force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
power; strength; intensity; military power; coercion; violence; authority; need, necessity; binding power, effect (of a law)

Force 17

Force 17 Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
currently officially disbanded group that served as Chairman Arafat`s security guard before the formation of the Palestinian Authority (many of the original members are now part of the official Presidential Guard of Chairman Arafat)

force a passage through the crowd

force a passage through the crowd Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
push one`s way through a crowd of people

force an issue

force an issue Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
pressure into making a decision

force an open door

force an open door Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
break through an open door

force down

force down Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
push downward; intercept

force feed

force feed Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
feed forcibly, force to eat

force majeure

force majeure Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
(French) superior force, event that cannot be controlled or anticipated

force of habit

force of habit Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
behavior made involuntary by repetition

force of numbers

force of numbers Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
by means of greater numbers

force of the blow

force of the blow Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
strength of the hit

force one`s hand

force one`s hand Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
make a person do something against their will

force one`s way

force one`s way Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
push through, forge a path

force oneself on

force oneself on Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
impose one`s will or presence on another


forced Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
subjected to violence; not spontaneous, compulsory, not voluntary; artificial, constrained; emergency (i.e. forced landing of a plane)

forced him

forced him Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
compelled him, obliged him

forced labor

forced labor Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
compulsory work, work done due to coercion

forced landing

forced landing Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
landing of an aircraft due to bad weather or malfunction

forced laugh

forced laugh Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
unnatural laugh, strained laugh

forced march

forced march Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
march whose purpose is to reach one`s destination as quickly as possible

forced sale

forced sale Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
sale made against the will of the seller

forced the issue

forced the issue Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
persist, insist on one`s own way, pressure another


forcedly Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
in a compulsory manner, in a forced manner


force-feeding Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
feeding someone by force, making someone eat against their will


forceful Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
strong, powerful, vigorous; effective; driven by force


forcefully Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
vigorously, powerfully, energetically; violently, by means of force


forcefulness Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
vigor, energy, strength


forceless Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
lacking power, lacking strength, weak


forcemeat Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
mixture of foods that are finely chopped and seasoned; mixture of ground raw meat or poultry finely chopped and seasoned and bound with eggs; stuffing

forceps birth

forceps birth Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
birth that is aided by forceps (small pincers for grasping and pulling)


forcer Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
person or thing that forces

forces re-deployment

forces re-deployment Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
moving of troops from one area to another

frontier force

frontier force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
border guard, military force operating along a border or frontier

International Force

International Force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
United Nations, coalition comprised of forces from different countries

Internet Engineering Task Force

Internet Engineering Task Force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
association which develops standards of use in information transfer on the Internet

Israel Defense Force

Israel Defense Force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
armed forces of the state of Israel

in force

in force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
valid, having official power; in great numbers

inertial force

inertial force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
physical force which in the state that it is in unless acted upon by an outside force

joint force

joint force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
several units that are combined for a cooperative mission under the orders of one commander

labor force

labor force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
all of the wage-earning workers

life force

life force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
energy within a living being

lift force

lift force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
physical force which causes objects to rise perpendicular to the direction of motion

made a show of force

made a show of force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
flexed his muscles, tried to make a display of power

magnetic force

magnetic force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
strong sexual attraction between two people

mighty force

mighty force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
great strength, strong power

missing air force navigator

missing air force navigator Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
navigator of the military air unit that has disappeared

motorized force

motorized force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
power that is caused or supported by motor power

moving force

moving force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
(mech.), a force that accelerates, retards, or deflects the motion of a body...

moving force

moving force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
see moving

multinational force

multinational force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
force which is comprised of different military units for temporary missions according to international agreements

naval force

naval force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
naval strength, power of the navy

normal force

normal force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
vertical force

only by force

only by force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
can be handled by force only, can only be solved by using one`s might

Palestinian labor force

Palestinian labor force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
Palestinian workers in Israel; Palestinian manpower

peacekeeping force

peacekeeping force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
special force used to maintain or re-establish peace in a region of armed conflict

police force

police force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
people that serve as police officers; police department

practice of using force

practice of using force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
habit of applying force, custom of acting forcefully

put a law in force

put a law in force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
make a law valid, make a law take effect

put in force

put in force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
perform, execute, act on; give legal validity, make effective

Rapid Deployment Force

Rapid Deployment Force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
RDF, military force that can be dispatched quickly to points of military flare-ups

reasonable force

reasonable force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
reasonable amount of force for dealing with a given issue

reconnaissance in force

reconnaissance in force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
patrol that is used to raid or survey an area using movement and fire

red force

red force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
enemy force

regular force

regular force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
standing army, permanent armed forces

remain in force

remain in force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
continue to be valid

resultant force

resultant force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
force that makes up the vector total of each force acting on a body

sales force

sales force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
sales staff, people who work as salesmen

show of force

show of force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
demonstration of force, showing how much strength one has

Sidewinder Force Feedback Wheel

Sidewinder Force Feedback Wheel Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
three-dimensional computer game in which players simulate driving cars (produced by Microsoft)

supporting force

supporting force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
force which provides assistance to another force

task force

task force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
number of units unified together for a combined mission under one commander

The force

The force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
supreme power in the "Star Wars" films

third force

third force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
middle force, political entity that holds a position between two other opposed groups

thrust force

thrust force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
pushing force, driving force

tour de force

tour de force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
achievement achieved with much skill; performance done with supreme skill; masterwork; feat of strength; outstanding feat

UNIFIL (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon)

UNIFIL (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon) Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
peacekeepers agency of the United Nations that was formed in 1978 to ensure that the Israelis withdrawal from Lebanon and to restore international peace and security as well as to assist the government of Lebanon in restoring its authority in the region

United Nations Interim Force In Lebanon

United Nations Interim Force In Lebanon Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
UNIFIL, peacekeepers agency of the United Nations that was formed in 1978 to ensure that the Israelis withdrawal from Lebanon and to restore international peace and security as well as to assist the government of Lebanon in restoring its authority in the region

unlawful force

unlawful force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
excess power that is illegal to put to use

upset the balance of force

upset the balance of force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
undermine the balance of power, offset the balance of force

use force

use force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
do something with excessive strength, cause something to work by applying strength

use of force

use of force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
performing an action strongly

used force

used force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
applied physical strength

vital force

vital force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
force of life, life force

without resort to force

without resort to force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
without using violence

work force

work force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
manpower, force of workers available, hands; full group of employees in a company (Business); percentage of workers in a country in relation to the total population

Zero Insertion Force socket

Zero Insertion Force socket Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
socket in a chip where there is a lever which allows easy removal of the chip, ZIF socket

ZIF socket (Zero Insertion Force socket)

ZIF socket (Zero Insertion Force socket) Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
socket in a chip where there is a lever which allows easy removal of the chip

Almanca İngilizce

Linguatic Almanca İngilizce Sözlük



Force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
n. force, power, strength, coercion, military power

Internet Engineering Task Force

Internet Engineering Task Force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
Internet Engineering Task Force, IETF, association which develops standards of use in information transfer on the Internet (Computers)

United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon

United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
n. United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon, UNIFIL, peacekeepers agency of the United Nations that was formed in 1978, to ensure that the Israelis withdraw from Lebanon and to restore international peace and security

İngilizce İngilizce

WordNet 3.0 Sözlük


aerodynamic force

aerodynamic force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
forces acting on airfoils in motion relative to the air (or other gaseous fluids)
Hypernyms: force
Hyponyms: aerodynamic lift, lift

Air Force

Air Force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the airforce of the United States of America; the agency that defends the United States through control and exploitation of air and space
Syn: United States Air Force, U. S. Air Force, US Air Force, USAF
Hypernyms: agency, federal agency, government agency, bureau, office, authority
Part Holonyms: Department of Defense, Defense Department, United States Department of Defense, Defense, DoD
Part Meronyms:
Air Force Research Laboratory, AFRL, United States Air Force Academy, US Air Force Academy, Air Combat Command, ACC, Air Force Space Command, AFSPC, Air National Guard, ANG, Air Force Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance, Air Force ISR, AFISR

air force

air force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the airborne branch of a country's armed forces (Freq. 2)
Syn: airforce
Topics: military, armed forces, armed services, military machine, war machine
Hypernyms: military service, armed service, service
Hyponyms: Air Corps, Royal Air Force, RAF, Luftwaffe, German Luftwaffe
Member Meronyms: air unit

air force academy

air force academy Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
an academy for training air force officers
Topics: military, armed forces, armed services, military machine, war machine
Hypernyms: academy
Hyponyms: United States Air Force Academy, US Air Force Academy

Air Force Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance

Air Force Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
an agency focused on ensuring that the United States military attains information superiority; operates worldwide ground sites and an array of airborne reconnaissance and surveillance platforms
Syn: Air Force ISR, AFISR
Hypernyms: agency, federal agency, government agency, bureau, office, authority
Member Holonyms: Intelligence Community, National Intelligence Community, United States Intelligence Community, IC
Part Holonyms: United States Air Force, U. S. Air Force, US Air Force, Air Force, USAF

Air Force ISR

Air Force ISR Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
an agency focused on ensuring that the United States military attains information superiority; operates worldwide ground sites and an array of airborne reconnaissance and surveillance platforms
Syn: Air Force Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance, AFISR
Hypernyms: agency, federal agency, government agency, bureau, office, authority
Member Holonyms: Intelligence Community, National Intelligence Community, United States Intelligence Community, IC
Part Holonyms: United States Air Force, U. S. Air Force, US Air Force, Air Force, USAF

air force officer

air force officer Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
an officer in the airforce
Syn: commander
Derivationally related forms: commandership (for: commander), command (for: commander)
Hypernyms: serviceman, military man, man, military personnel

Air Force Research Laboratory

Air Force Research Laboratory Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a United States Air Force defense laboratory responsible for discovering and developing and integrating fighting technologies for aerospace forces
Instance Hypernyms: agency, federal agency, government agency, bureau, office, authority
Part Holonyms: United States Air Force, U. S. Air Force, US Air Force, Air Force, USAF

Air Force Space Command

Air Force Space Command Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a command of the United States Air Force that is responsible for defending the United States through its space and intercontinental ballistic missile operations
Hypernyms: command
Part Holonyms: United States Air Force, U. S. Air Force, US Air Force, Air Force, USAF

attractive force

attractive force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the force by which one object attracts another
Syn: attraction
Ant: repulsion (for: attraction)
Derivationally related forms: attract (for: attraction)
Hypernyms: force
affinity, chemical bond, bond, gravity, gravitation, gravitational attraction, gravitational force, magnetism, magnetic attraction, magnetic force, van der Waal's forces

Catholic Reaction Force

Catholic Reaction Force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a radical terrorist group dedicated to the removal of British forces from Northern Ireland and the unification of Ireland
Syn: Irish National Liberation Army, INLA, People's Liberation Army, People's Republican Army
Topics: terrorism, act of terrorism, terrorist act
Regions: Ireland, Republic of Ireland, Irish Republic, Eire
Instance Hypernyms: terrorist organization, terrorist group, foreign terrorist organization, FTO

centrifugal force

centrifugal force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the outward force on a body moving in a curved path around another body
Ant: centripetal force
Hypernyms: force

centripetal force

centripetal force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the inward force on a body moving in a curved path around another body
Ant: centrifugal force
Hypernyms: force

color force

color force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
(physics) the interaction that binds protons and neutrons together in the nuclei of atoms; mediated by gluons
Syn: strong interaction, strong force
Topics: physics, natural philosophy
Hypernyms: interaction, fundamental interaction

Coriolis force

Coriolis force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
(physics) a force due to the earth's rotation; acts on a body in motion (airplane or projectile) in a rotating reference frame; in a rotating frame of reference Newton's second law of motion can be made to apply if in addition to the real forces acting on a body a Coriolis force and a centrifugal force are introduced
Topics: physics, natural philosophy
Hypernyms: force

defence force

defence force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
an organization of defenders that provides resistance against attack
- example : he joined the defense against invasion
Syn: defense, defence, defense force
Derivationally related forms: defend (for: defence)
Hypernyms: organization, organisation
Hyponyms: bastion

defense force

defense force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
an organization of defenders that provides resistance against attack
- example : he joined the defense against invasion
Syn: defense, defence, defence force
Derivationally related forms: defend (for: defence)
Hypernyms: organization, organisation
Hyponyms: bastion

driving force

driving force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the act of applying force to propel something (Freq. 1)
- example : after reaching the desired velocity the drive is cut off
Syn: drive, thrust
Derivationally related forms: thrust (for: thrust), drive (for: drive)
Hypernyms: propulsion, actuation
Hyponyms: firewall, impulse, impulsion, impetus

electrical line of force

electrical line of force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a line of force in an electrical field
Hypernyms: line of force, field line

electromotive force

electromotive force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the rate at which energy is drawn from a source that produces a flow of electricity in a circuit; expressed in volts
Syn: voltage, emf
Hypernyms: electrical phenomenon

electromotive force series

electromotive force series Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a serial arrangement of metallic elements or ions according to their electrode potentials determined under specified conditions; the order shows the tendency of one metal to reduce the ions of any other metal below it in the series
Syn: electromotive series, electrochemical series
Hypernyms: series

field of force

field of force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the space around a radiating body within which its electromagnetic oscillations can exert force on another similar body not in contact with it
Syn: field, force field
Hypernyms: physical phenomenon
Hyponyms: electric field, gravitational field, magnetic field, magnetic flux, flux, radiation field


force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
1. a powerful effect or influence (Freq. 29)
- example : the force of his eloquence easily persuaded them
Hypernyms: influence
Hyponyms: pressure, duress, heartbeat, lifeblood, wheel
2. (physics) the influence that produces a change in a physical quantity (Freq. 20)
- example : force equals mass times acceleration
Topics: physics, natural philosophy
Hypernyms: physical phenomenon
aerodynamic force, affinity, chemical attraction, attraction, attractive force, repulsion, repulsive force, centrifugal force, centripetal force, cohesion, Coriolis force, drift, impetus, impulsion, Lorentz force, moment, propulsion, pull, push, thrust, reaction, stress, torsion, torque, magnetomotive force, life force, vital force, vitality, elan vital
3. physical energy or intensity (Freq. 19)
- example : he hit with all the force he could muster
- example : it was destroyed by the strength of the gale
- example : a government has not the vitality and forcefulness of a living man
Syn: forcefulness, strength
Derivationally related forms: forceful (for: forcefulness)
Hypernyms: intensity, intensiveness
brunt, momentum, impulse, energy, vigor, vigour, zip
4. group of people willing to obey orders (Freq. 15)
- example : a public force is necessary to give security to the rights of citizens
Syn: personnel
Hypernyms: organization, organisation
guerrilla force, guerilla force, military service, armed service, service, military, armed forces, armed services, military machine, war machine, paramilitary, paramilitary force, paramilitary unit, paramilitary organization, paramilitary organisation, police, police force, constabulary, law, security force, private security force, military police, MP, work force, workforce, manpower, hands, men, patrol, military personnel, soldiery, troops, rank and file, rank, staff, line personnel, management personnel
5. a unit that is part of some military service (Freq. 10)
- example : he sent Caesar a force of six thousand men
Syn: military unit, military force, military group
Topics: military, armed forces, armed services, military machine, war machine
Hypernyms: unit, social unit
trip wire, command, enemy, task force, army unit, naval unit, air unit, armor, armour, mujahidin, mujahedin, mujahedeen, mujahadeen, mujahadin, mujahideen, mujahadein, guard, legion, echelon, phalanx, Republican Guard, Haganah, Israeli Defense Force, IDF, militia, reserves, commando, contingent, detail, headquarters, spearhead
Member Holonyms: military service, armed service, service
Member Meronyms: serviceman, military man, man, military personnel
6. an act of aggression (as one against a person who resists) (Freq. 5)
- example : he may accomplish by craft in the long run what he cannot do by force and violence in the short one
Syn: violence
Derivationally related forms: violent (for: violence)
Hypernyms: aggression, hostility
Hyponyms: domestic violence, road rage, riot, public violence
7. one possessing or exercising power or influence or authority (Freq. 1)
- example : the mysterious presence of an evil power
- example : may the force be with you
- example : the forces of evil
Syn: power
Hypernyms: causal agent, cause, causal agency
Hyponyms: juggernaut, steamroller, influence, Moloch
8. a group of people having the power of effective action
- example : he joined forces with a band of adventurers
Hypernyms: social group
9. (of a law) having legal validity
- example : the law is still in effect
Syn: effect
Topics: law, jurisprudence
Hypernyms: validity, validness
10. a putout of a base runner who is required to run; the putout is accomplished by holding the ball while touching the base to which the runner must advance before the runner reaches that base
- example : the shortstop got the runner at second on a force
Syn: force out, force-out, force play
Topics: baseball, baseball game
Hypernyms: putout
1. to cause to do through pressure or necessity, by physical, moral or intellectual means :"She forced him to take a job in the city" (Freq. 48)
- example : He squeezed her for information
Syn: coerce, hale, squeeze, pressure
Derivationally related forms: pressure (for: pressure), squeeze (for: squeeze), coercive (for: coerce), coercion (for: coerce)
Hypernyms: compel, oblige, obligate
turn up the heat, turn up the pressure, drive, bludgeon, steamroller, steamroll, squeeze for, dragoon, sandbag, railroad, terrorize, terrorise, bring oneself
Cause: act, move
Verb Frames:
- example : Somebody ----s somebody to INFINITIVE
- example : Somebody ----s somebody into V-ing something
- example : They force him to write the letter
2. urge or force (a person) to an action; constrain or motivate (Freq. 17)
Syn: impel
Derivationally related forms: impulsive (for: impel), impulsion (for: impel)
Hypernyms: cause, do, make
Verb Frames:
- example : Somebody ----s somebody to INFINITIVE
- example : They force him to write the letter
3. move with force, "He pushed the table into a corner" (Freq. 13)
Syn: push
Ant: pull (for: push)
See Also: force out
Derivationally related forms: forcible, push (for: push), pusher (for: push), pushing (for: push)
Hypernyms: move, displace
nudge, poke at, prod, press, push, repel, drive, repulse, force back, push back, beat back, shove, jerk, flick, jostle, nose, push out, obtrude, thrust out, push aside, push away, muscle into, push up, thrust, jam, stuff, squeeze, topple, tumble, tip
Verb Group: push
Entailment: press, move
Verb Frames:
- example : Something ----s
- example : Somebody ----s
- example : Something is ----ing PP
- example : Somebody ----s somebody PP
- example : Somebody ----s something PP
- example : Somebody ----s PP
4. impose urgently, importunately, or inexorably (Freq. 8)
- example : She forced her diet fads on him
Syn: thrust
Hypernyms: compel, oblige, obligate
Hyponyms: stick, sting
Verb Frames:
- example : Somebody ----s something on somebody
- example : Somebody ----s somebody to INFINITIVE
- example : Somebody ----s somebody into V-ing something
5. squeeze like a wedge into a tight space (Freq. 3)
- example : I squeezed myself into the corner
Syn: wedge, squeeze
Derivationally related forms: wedge (for: wedge)
Hypernyms: move, displace
Hyponyms: impact, compress, compact, pack together
Verb Frames:
- example : Somebody ----s somebody PP
- example : Somebody ----s something PP
6. force into or from an action or state, either physically or metaphorically (Freq. 2)
- example : She rammed her mind into focus
- example : He drives me mad
Syn: drive, ram
See Also: ram down (for: ram), drive in (for: drive)
Derivationally related forms: ram (for: ram), drive (for: drive)
Hypernyms: thrust
Hyponyms: toe, toenail
Verb Group: drive
Verb Frames:
- example : Somebody ----s something PP
7. cause to move by pulling (Freq. 1)
- example : draw a wagon
- example : pull a sled
Syn: pull, draw
Ant: push (for: pull)
See Also:
pull down (for: pull), pull off (for: pull), pull up (for: pull), pull out (for: pull), pull along (for: pull), pull in (for: pull), pull back (for: pull)
Derivationally related forms: draw (for: draw), drawing (for: draw), pull (for: pull), puller (for: pull), pulling (for: pull)
Hypernyms: move, displace
twitch, pull back, adduct, abduct, stretch, pluck, plunk, pick, tug, drag, haul, hale, cart, attract, pull, pull in, draw, draw in, yank, jerk, winch, tweak, pull off, pick off
Verb Group: pull, draw
Verb Frames:
- example : Somebody ----s something
- example : Somebody ----s somebody
- example : Something ----s somebody
- example : Something ----s something
8. do forcibly; exert force (Freq. 1)
- example : Don't force it!
See Also: force out, force back
Hypernyms: act, move
Hyponyms: pull
Verb Frames:
- example : Somebody ----s something
9. take by force
- example : Storm the fort
Syn: storm
Derivationally related forms: storm (for: storm)
Hypernyms: penetrate, perforate
Verb Frames:
- example : Somebody ----s something

Force 17

Force 17 Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
formed in 1972 as a personal security force for Arafat and other PLO leaders; became one of PLO's elite units; has built an extensive infrastructure of terrorist cells and weapon depots in Europe while attacking Israeli targets
Topics: terrorism, act of terrorism, terrorist act
Regions: Lebanon, Lebanese Republic
Instance Hypernyms: terrorist organization, terrorist group, foreign terrorist organization, FTO

force back

force back Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
cause to move back by force or influence
- example : repel the enemy
- example : push back the urge to smoke
- example : beat back the invaders
Syn: repel, drive, repulse, push back, beat back
Ant: attract (for: repel)
Derivationally related forms: push back (for: push back), repulse (for: repulse), repulsion (for: repulse), drive (for: drive), repulsive (for: repel)
Hypernyms: push, force
Verb Group: drive
Verb Frames:
- example : Somebody ----s something
- example : Somebody ----s somebody
- example : Something ----s somebody
- example : Something ----s something
- example : Somebody ----s something from somebody
- example : Somebody ----s somebody PP
- example : Somebody ----s something PP

force feed

force feed Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
mechanical system of lubricating internal combustion engines in which a pump forces oil into the engine bearings
Syn: lubricating system, force-feed lubricating system, pressure-feed lubricating system, pressure feed
Hypernyms: mechanical system
Part Holonyms: internal-combustion engine, ICE
Part Meronyms: oil filter, oil pump

force field

force field Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the space around a radiating body within which its electromagnetic oscillations can exert force on another similar body not in contact with it
Syn: field, field of force
Hypernyms: physical phenomenon
Hyponyms: electric field, gravitational field, magnetic field, magnetic flux, flux, radiation field

force majeure

force majeure Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a natural and unavoidable catastrophe that interrupts the expected course of events
- example : he discovered that his house was not insured against acts of God
Syn: act of God, vis major, inevitable accident, unavoidable casualty
Hypernyms: calamity, catastrophe, disaster, tragedy, cataclysm

force out

force out Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a putout of a base runner who is required to run; the putout is accomplished by holding the ball while touching the base to which the runner must advance before the runner reaches that base
- example : the shortstop got the runner at second on a force
Syn: force-out, force play, force
Topics: baseball, baseball game
Hypernyms: putout
1. terminate the employment of; discharge from an office or position
- example : The boss fired his secretary today
- example : The company terminated 25% of its workers
displace, fire, give notice, can, dismiss, give the axe, send away, sack, give the sack, terminate
Ant: hire (for: fire)
Derivationally related forms: sack (for: sack), sacking (for: sack), dismissible (for: dismiss), dismission (for: dismiss), dismissal (for: dismiss), firing (for: fire)
Hypernyms: remove
retire, pension off, clean out, furlough, lay off, squeeze out, dismiss, send packing, send away, drop
Verb Frames:
- example : Somebody ----s somebody
- example : Somebody ----s somebody to INFINITIVE
- example : Somebody ----s PP (for: give the sack)
- example : Somebody ----s PP (for: give the axe)
2. press, force, or thrust out of a small space
- example : The weeds crowded out the flowers
Syn: crowd out
Hypernyms: displace
Verb Frames:
- example : Somebody ----s something
- example : Somebody ----s somebody
- example : Something ----s somebody
- example : Something ----s something
3. force to leave (an office)
Syn: depose
Derivationally related forms: deposition (for: depose)
Hypernyms: oust, throw out, drum out, boot out, kick out, expel
Hyponyms: overthrow, subvert, overturn, bring down
Verb Frames:
- example : Somebody ----s somebody
4. force or drive out
- example : The police routed them out of bed at 2 A.M.
Syn: rout out, drive out, rouse
Hypernyms: move, displace
Hyponyms: hunt, smoke out
Verb Group:
chase away, drive out, turn back, drive away, dispel, drive off, run off
Verb Frames:
- example : Somebody ----s somebody
- example : Something ----s somebody
5. expel from one's property or force to move out by a legal process
- example : The landlord evicted the tenants after they had not paid the rent for four months
Syn: evict
Derivationally related forms: eviction (for: evict)
Hypernyms: eject, chuck out, exclude, turf out, boot out, turn out
Verb Group: evict
Verb Frames:
- example : Somebody ----s somebody
- example : Somebody ----s somebody PP
6. cause to come out in a squirt
- example : the boy squirted water at his little sister
Syn: squirt, squeeze out, eject
Derivationally related forms: ejection (for: eject), squirt (for: squirt), squirter (for: squirt)
Hypernyms: discharge
Hyponyms: spritz, extravasate
Verb Frames:
- example : Somebody ----s something
- example : Somebody ----s something PP
7. force with the thumb
- example : gouge out his eyes
Syn: gouge
See Also: gouge out (for: gouge)
Derivationally related forms: gouger (for: gouge), gouge (for: gouge)
Hypernyms: mutilate, mar
Verb Frames:
- example : Somebody ----s something
8. emit or cause to move with force of effort
- example : force out the air
- example : force out the splinter
Hypernyms: emit, breathe, pass off
Verb Frames:
- example : Somebody ----s something
- example : Something ----s something

force per unit area

force per unit area Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the force applied to a unit area of surface; measured in pascals (SI unit) or in dynes (cgs unit)
- example : the compressed gas exerts an increased pressure
Syn: pressure, pressure level
Derivationally related forms: press (for: pressure), pressurize (for: pressure), pressurise (for: pressure)
Hypernyms: physical phenomenon
blood pressure, gas pressure, head, hydrostatic head, intraocular pressure, IOP, oil pressure, osmotic pressure, radiation pressure, corpuscular-radiation pressure, sound pressure, instantaneous sound pressure, suction, vapor pressure, vapour pressure

force play

force play Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a putout of a base runner who is required to run; the putout is accomplished by holding the ball while touching the base to which the runner must advance before the runner reaches that base
- example : the shortstop got the runner at second on a force
Syn: force out, force-out, force
Topics: baseball, baseball game
Hypernyms: putout

force pump

force pump Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
pump used to force a liquid up and expel it under pressure
Hypernyms: pump

force unit

force unit Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a unit of measurement of physical force
Hypernyms: unit of measurement, unit
dyne, newton, N, sthene, poundal, pdl, pound, lbf., pounder, g, gee, g-force


forced Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
1. produced by or subjected to forcing (Freq. 1)
- example : forced-air heating
- example : furnaces of the forced-convection type
- example : forced convection in plasma generators
Participle of verb: force
2. forced or compelled (Freq. 1)
- example : promised to abolish forced labor
Similar to: involuntary, nonvoluntary, unvoluntary
3. made necessary by an unexpected situation or emergency
- example : a forced landing
Similar to: unscheduled
4. lacking spontaneity; not natural
- example : a constrained smile
- example : forced heartiness
- example : a strained smile
Syn: constrained, strained
Similar to: affected, unnatural

forced feeding

forced feeding Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
feeding that consists of the delivery of a nutrient solution (as through a nasal tube) to someone who cannot or will not eat
Syn: gavage
Derivationally related forms: force-feed
Hypernyms: feeding, alimentation
Hyponyms: nasogastric feeding, gastrogavage

forced landing

forced landing Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
an unscheduled airplane landing that is made under circumstances (engine failure or adverse weather) not under the pilot's control
Syn: emergency landing
Hypernyms: aircraft landing, airplane landing
Hyponyms: crash landing

forced sale

forced sale Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a sale of property by the sheriff under authority of a court's writ of execution in order satisfy an unpaid obligation (Freq. 1)
Syn: sheriff's sale, execution sale, judicial sale
Hypernyms: sale, sales agreement


force-feed Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
feed someone who will not or cannot eat
Derivationally related forms: forced feeding
Hypernyms: feed, give
Verb Frames:
- example : Somebody ----s somebody

force-feed lubricating system

force-feed lubricating system Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
mechanical system of lubricating internal combustion engines in which a pump forces oil into the engine bearings
Syn: lubricating system, force feed, pressure-feed lubricating system, pressure feed
Hypernyms: mechanical system
Part Holonyms: internal-combustion engine, ICE
Part Meronyms: oil filter, oil pump


forceful Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
1. characterized by or full of force or strength (often but not necessarily physical) (Freq. 2)
- example : a forceful speaker
- example : a forceful personality
- example : forceful measures
- example : a forceful plan for peace
Ant: forceless
Similar to:
bruising, drastic, emphatic, exclamatory, firm, strong, forcible, physical, strong-arm, impellent, impetuous, sharp
Derivationally related forms: forcefulness
2. forceful and definite in expression or action
- example : the document contained a particularly emphatic guarantee of religious liberty
Syn: emphatic
Similar to: assertive, self-asserting, self-assertive
Derivationally related forms: forcefulness, emphasis (for: emphatic)


forcefully Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
with full force
- example : we are seeing this film too late to feel its original impact forcefully
Derived from adjective: forceful


forcefulness Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
physical energy or intensity
- example : he hit with all the force he could muster
- example : it was destroyed by the strength of the gale
- example : a government has not the vitality and forcefulness of a living man
Syn: force, strength
Derivationally related forms: forceful
Hypernyms: intensity, intensiveness
brunt, momentum, impulse, energy, vigor, vigour, zip


force-land Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
make a forced landing
Hypernyms: land, set down
Verb Frames:
- example : Something ----s
- example : Somebody ----s


forceless Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
lacking force; feeble (Freq. 1)
- example : a forceless argument
Syn: unforceful
Ant: forceful
Similar to: wimpish, wimpy


forcemeat Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
mixture of ground raw chicken and mushrooms with pistachios and truffles and onions and parsley and lots of butter and bound with eggs
Syn: farce
Derivationally related forms: farce (for: farce)
Hypernyms: stuffing, dressing


force-out Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a putout of a base runner who is required to run; the putout is accomplished by holding the ball while touching the base to which the runner must advance before the runner reaches that base
- example : the shortstop got the runner at second on a force
Syn: force out, force play, force
Topics: baseball, baseball game
Hypernyms: putout


forceps Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
an extractor consisting of a pair of pincers used in medical treatment (especially for the delivery of babies)
Usage Domain: plural, plural form
Hypernyms: extractor
Hyponyms: lion-jaw forceps, mouse-tooth forceps

forceps delivery

forceps delivery Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
delivery in which forceps are inserted through the vagina and used to grasp the head of the fetus and pull it through the birth canal; since the forceps can injure the fetus this procedure has generally given way to cesarean deliveries
Hypernyms: delivery, obstetrical delivery

Forces of Umar Al-Mukhtar

Forces of Umar Al-Mukhtar Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a little known Palestinian group responsible for bombings and for killing Israelis; seeks to defeat Israel and liberate southern Lebanon, Palestine, and Golan Heights
Syn: Umar al-Mukhtar Forces
Topics: terrorism, act of terrorism, terrorist act
Regions: Palestine
Instance Hypernyms: terrorist organization, terrorist group, foreign terrorist organization, FTO

gravitational force

gravitational force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
(physics) the force of attraction between all masses in the universe; especially the attraction of the earth's mass for bodies near its surface (Freq. 1)
- example : the more remote the body the less the gravity
- example : the gravitation between two bodies is proportional to the product of their masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them
- example : "gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love"--Albert Einstein
Syn: gravity, gravitation, gravitational attraction
Derivationally related forms: gravitational (for: gravitation), gravitate (for: gravitation), gravitate (for: gravity)
Topics: physics, natural philosophy
Hypernyms: attraction, attractive force
Hyponyms: solar gravity

guerilla force

guerilla force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
an irregular armed force that fights by sabotage and harassment; often rural and organized in large groups
Syn: guerrilla force
Hypernyms: force, personnel
Instance Hyponyms: Contras, Pesh Merga
Member Meronyms: guerrilla, guerilla, irregular, insurgent

guerrilla force

guerrilla force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
an irregular armed force that fights by sabotage and harassment; often rural and organized in large groups
Syn: guerilla force
Hypernyms: force, personnel
Instance Hyponyms: Contras, Pesh Merga
Member Meronyms: guerrilla, guerilla, irregular, insurgent

Israeli Defense Force

Israeli Defense Force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the ground and air and naval forces of Israel
Syn: IDF
Regions: Israel, State of Israel, Yisrael, Zion, Sion
Hypernyms: military unit, military force, military group, force
Part Meronyms: Sayeret Matkal, Sayeret Mat'kal, sayeret

in force

in force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
exerting force or influence
- example : the law is effective immediately
- example : a warranty good for two years
- example : the law is already in effect (or in force)
Syn: effective, good, in effect
Similar to: operative

labor force

labor force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the source of trained people from which workers can be hired
Syn: labor pool
Hypernyms: labor, labour, working class, proletariat

life force

life force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
(biology) a hypothetical force (not physical or chemical) once thought by Henri Bergson to cause the evolution and development of organisms
Syn: vital force, vitality, elan vital
Derivationally related forms: vital (for: vitality)
Topics: biology, biological science
Hypernyms: force

line of force

line of force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
an imaginary line in a field of force; direction of the line at any point is the direction of the force at that point
Syn: field line
Hypernyms: line
Hyponyms: electrical line of force, magnetic line of force

Lorentz force

Lorentz force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the force experienced by a point charge moving along a wire that is in a magnetic field; the force is at right angles to both the current and the magnetic field
- example : the Lorentz force can be used to suspend a current-carrying object between two magnets
Hypernyms: force

Loyalist Volunteer Force

Loyalist Volunteer Force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a terrorist group formed in 1996 in Northern Ireland; seeks to prevent the peace process; murders Catholics and any Protestant leaders who favor peace
Topics: terrorism, act of terrorism, terrorist act
Regions: Northern Ireland
Instance Hypernyms: terrorist organization, terrorist group, foreign terrorist organization, FTO

magnetic force

magnetic force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
attraction for iron; associated with electric currents as well as magnets; characterized by fields of force (Freq. 5)
Syn: magnetism, magnetic attraction
Hypernyms: attraction, attractive force
Hyponyms: electromagnetism, antiferromagnetism, diamagnetism, ferromagnetism, paramagnetism
Attrubites: attractive

magnetic line of force

magnetic line of force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a line of force in a magnetic field
Hypernyms: line of force, field line

magnetomotive force

magnetomotive force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the force that produces magnetic flux
Hypernyms: force

magnetomotive force unit

magnetomotive force unit Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a unit of measurement of magnetomotive force
Hypernyms: electromagnetic unit, emu
Hyponyms: gilbert, Gb, Gi, ampere-turn, magneton

military force

military force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a unit that is part of some military service (Freq. 3)
- example : he sent Caesar a force of six thousand men
Syn: military unit, military group, force
Topics: military, armed forces, armed services, military machine, war machine
Hypernyms: unit, social unit
trip wire, command, enemy, task force, army unit, naval unit, air unit, armor, armour, mujahidin, mujahedin, mujahedeen, mujahadeen, mujahadin, mujahideen, mujahadein, guard, legion, echelon, phalanx, Republican Guard, Haganah, Israeli Defense Force, IDF, militia, reserves, commando, contingent, detail, headquarters, spearhead
Member Holonyms: military service, armed service, service
Member Meronyms: serviceman, military man, man, military personnel

moral force

moral force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
an efficient incentive
- example : they hoped it would act as a spiritual dynamic on all churches
Syn: dynamic
Hypernyms: incentive, inducement, motivator

paramilitary force

paramilitary force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a group of civilians organized in a military fashion (especially to operate in place of or to assist regular army troops)
Syn: paramilitary, paramilitary unit, paramilitary organization, paramilitary organisation
Derivationally related forms: paramilitary (for: paramilitary)
Hypernyms: force, personnel
Hyponyms: fedayeen, Fedayeen Saddam, Saddam's Martyrs

police force

police force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the force of policemen and officers (Freq. 1)
- example : the law came looking for him
Syn: police, constabulary, law
Derivationally related forms: police (for: police)
Hypernyms: force, personnel, law enforcement agency
Europol, European Law Enforcement Organisation, gendarmerie, gendarmery, Mutawa'een, Mutawa, Royal Canadian Mounted Police, RCMP, Mounties, Scotland Yard, New Scotland Yard, secret police, Schutzstaffel, SS, posse, posse comitatus
Member Meronyms: policeman, police officer, officer

private security force

private security force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a privately employed group hired to protect the security of a business or industry
Syn: security force
Hypernyms: force, personnel
Member Meronyms: watchman, watcher, security guard

reconnaissance in force

reconnaissance in force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
an offensive operation designed to discover or test the enemy's strength (or to obtain other information)
Hypernyms: reconnaissance, reconnaissance mission

repulsive force

repulsive force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the force by which bodies repel one another (Freq. 2)
Syn: repulsion
Ant: attraction (for: repulsion)
Hypernyms: force
Attrubites: repulsive

retarding force

retarding force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the phenomenon of resistance to motion through a fluid
Syn: drag
Hypernyms: resistance
Hyponyms: sonic barrier, sound barrier, windage

Royal Air Force

Royal Air Force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the airforce of Great Britain
Syn: RAF
Hypernyms: air force, airforce

sales force

sales force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the division of a business that is responsible for selling products or services (Freq. 4)
Syn: sales department, sales division
Hypernyms: business department

security force

security force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a privately employed group hired to protect the security of a business or industry
Syn: private security force
Hypernyms: force, personnel
Member Meronyms: watchman, watcher, security guard

strong force

strong force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
(physics) the interaction that binds protons and neutrons together in the nuclei of atoms; mediated by gluons
Syn: strong interaction, color force
Topics: physics, natural philosophy
Hypernyms: interaction, fundamental interaction

task force

task force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
1. a temporary military unit formed to accomplish a particular objective (Freq. 3)
Topics: military, armed forces, armed services, military machine, war machine
Hypernyms: military unit, military force, military group, force
2. a semipermanent unit created to carry out a continuing task
Hypernyms: unit, social unit

tour de force

tour de force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a masterly or brilliant feat (Freq. 1)
Hypernyms: feat, effort, exploit

U. S. Air Force

U. S. Air Force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the airforce of the United States of America; the agency that defends the United States through control and exploitation of air and space
Syn: United States Air Force, US Air Force, Air Force, USAF
Hypernyms: agency, federal agency, government agency, bureau, office, authority
Part Holonyms: Department of Defense, Defense Department, United States Department of Defense, Defense, DoD
Part Meronyms:
Air Force Research Laboratory, AFRL, United States Air Force Academy, US Air Force Academy, Air Combat Command, ACC, Air Force Space Command, AFSPC, Air National Guard, ANG, Air Force Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance, Air Force ISR, AFISR

United Self-Defense Force of Colombia

United Self-Defense Force of Colombia Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a terrorist organization in Colombia formed in 1997 as an umbrella for local and regional paramilitary groups; is financed by earnings from narcotics and serves to protect the economic interests of its members
- example : the AUC conducted over 800 assassinations in one year
Syn: United Self-Defense Group of Colombia, Autodefensas Unidas de Colombia, AUC
Topics: terrorism, act of terrorism, terrorist act
Regions: Colombia, Republic of Colombia
Instance Hypernyms: terrorist organization, terrorist group, foreign terrorist organization, FTO

United States Air Force

United States Air Force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the airforce of the United States of America; the agency that defends the United States through control and exploitation of air and space
Syn: U. S. Air Force, US Air Force, Air Force, USAF
Hypernyms: agency, federal agency, government agency, bureau, office, authority
Part Holonyms: Department of Defense, Defense Department, United States Department of Defense, Defense, DoD
Part Meronyms:
Air Force Research Laboratory, AFRL, United States Air Force Academy, US Air Force Academy, Air Combat Command, ACC, Air Force Space Command, AFSPC, Air National Guard, ANG, Air Force Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance, Air Force ISR, AFISR

United States Air Force Academy

United States Air Force Academy Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a school for training men and women to become officers in the United States Air Force
Syn: US Air Force Academy
Hypernyms: air force academy
Part Holonyms: United States Air Force, U. S. Air Force, US Air Force, Air Force, USAF

US Air Force

US Air Force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the airforce of the United States of America; the agency that defends the United States through control and exploitation of air and space
Syn: United States Air Force, U. S. Air Force, Air Force, USAF
Hypernyms: agency, federal agency, government agency, bureau, office, authority
Part Holonyms: Department of Defense, Defense Department, United States Department of Defense, Defense, DoD
Part Meronyms:
Air Force Research Laboratory, AFRL, United States Air Force Academy, US Air Force Academy, Air Combat Command, ACC, Air Force Space Command, AFSPC, Air National Guard, ANG, Air Force Intelligence Surveillance and Reconnaissance, Air Force ISR, AFISR

US Air Force Academy

US Air Force Academy Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a school for training men and women to become officers in the United States Air Force
Syn: United States Air Force Academy
Hypernyms: air force academy
Part Holonyms: United States Air Force, U. S. Air Force, US Air Force, Air Force, USAF

vital force

vital force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
(biology) a hypothetical force (not physical or chemical) once thought by Henri Bergson to cause the evolution and development of organisms
Syn: life force, vitality, elan vital
Derivationally related forms: vital (for: vitality)
Topics: biology, biological science
Hypernyms: force

weak force

weak force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
(physics) an interaction between elementary particles involving neutrinos or antineutrinos that is responsible for certain kinds of radioactive decay; mediated by intermediate vector bosons
Syn: weak interaction
Topics: physics, natural philosophy
Hypernyms: interaction, fundamental interaction

work force

work force Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
the force of workers available (Freq. 1)
Syn: workforce, manpower, hands, men
Hypernyms: force, personnel
Hyponyms: complement, full complement
Member Meronyms: gang, crew, work party
Part Meronyms: shift

Linguatic Topluluğunda Son Arananlar

alacaağaçkakanalacaağaçkakan Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
hışımına uğramakhışımına uğramak Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
aldançaldanç Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
WaterburyWaterbury Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
journey cakejourney cake Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
SphyraenidaeSphyraenidae Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
jemand der zusammenfasstjemand der zusammenfasst Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
panzernpanzern Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
LigaLiga Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
adet dönemiadet dönemi Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
akşam oluncaakşam olunca Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
zaman buldukçazaman buldukça Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
mix withmix with Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
flüssigflüssig Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
bildsambildsam Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
insolubelinsolubel Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
a sum of moneya sum of money Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
NarkoseNarkose Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
imitativeimitative Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
aklından geçeni söylemekaklından geçeni söylemek Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
altın simaltın sim Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
Clemson UniversityClemson University Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
SureSure Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
ermahnendermahnend Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
kendi kendine patlağını kapatankendi kendine patlağını kapatan Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
abstoßendes Weibabstoßendes Weib Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
GehabeGehabe Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
down quarkdown quark Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
isobathisobath Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
şişkinlikşişkinlik Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
eczalı pamukeczalı pamuk Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
antialiasingantialiasing Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
sabahın köründe kalkmaksabahın köründe kalkmak Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
BrotgeberBrotgeber Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
günleri sayılıgünleri sayılı Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
alıkalık Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
acılara katlananacılara katlanan Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
talk s.o. into s.t. talk s.o. into s.t. Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
karaelmaskaraelmas Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
EinzugsfeierEinzugsfeier Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
GetränkGetränk Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
freie Handfreie Hand Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
collectivization (Amer.)collectivization (Amer.) Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
ağısızağısız Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
halojen lambahalojen lamba Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
leukocytopoiesisleukocytopoiesis Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
babası gibi olan erkekbabası gibi olan erkek Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
antiphonantiphon Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
AdelswürdeAdelswürde Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
ForceForce Kelimesini Aratmak için Tıklayın
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